Sydney, Australia: Muslim Threat Display Mustered 800, Police Kept the Lid On It

And meanwhile, in another part of western Sydney, around the same time, there was – or was going to be – a protest by some intelligent non-Muslim Sydneysiders who are not happy about the construction in their vicinity of yet another Mohammedan Mob forward operating base/ jihad-incitement-and-recruitment-centre alias ‘mosque’, but there was no word about that in the news that I could find, so I assume it went off peacefully.

First up, Channel 9 anticipating the two projected rallies, both Muslim and Infidel.

‘Anti-Mosque Protest To Be Held in Sydney On Same Night As Prophet Muhammad March’.

‘An Islamic group is planning a rally in Sydney’s west today to peacefully voice their objections at insults directed at the Prophet Muhammad.

Dear Channel Nine: that should be “their ‘prophet’ Muhammad”.  Because nobody except Muslims calls him a ‘prophet’.  Or you could have got around the problem by saying “Muhammad, the founder of their belief system”. – CM

‘An anti-mosque protest and an Islamic demonstration protesting [against] depictions of the prophet Muhammad (correction: the Muslims’ prophet Muhammad – CM) will both be held in western Sydney this evening [Friday 23 January] with police keeping a close eye on both.

‘The “Stop the Mosque” protest at Penrith Train Station at 6.30 pm has been organised to rally against the construction of two mosques in the Penrith area, with event organiser Tyler Winchester describing the developments as “a slippery slope for Penrith of terror and crime”.

Given the history of Islam over the past 1400 years, and more particularly, what we are seeing in France and the UK, and the number of instances in which mosques have been discovered to be engaged in illegal activities and in the fomenting of hatred and incitement toward violent attacks upon non-Muslims, he is entirely correct.  Where there are mosques sooner or later there is trouble for any circumambient Infidels.  I wonder whether Mr Winchester has read ex-Muslim Sam Solomon’s little book, “The Mosque and Its Role in Society”. If he hasn’t, I think he would find it very useful, along with Sam Solomon’s other book, “Al Hijra: The Islamic Doctrine of Immigration”. – CM

‘The protest follows the Penrith City Council’s approval in Octber and November last year for mosques to be built at Kemps Creek and Penrith.  

One must note that this is on the main transport corridor from Sydney westward over the Dividing Range. – CM

‘Independent Liberal councillor Marcus Cornish said at the time it would bring more violent crime to the area.

“I grew up in Auburn and their first mosque in 1979 and now they have three and it is not a safe place to walk around at all”, he said at a council meeting.

In other words, he has experienced what some call “mosque blight”; he has witnessed Islamisation first hand. According to the official census figures from 2011 Auburn is now at least 42 percent Muslim.  Which is well over the percentage – around ten percent – at which the Ummah tends to really start throwing its weight around. – CM

‘Around 200 people have confirmed they will attend the protest.

‘Meanwhile, further east in the (heavily Islamified – CM) suburb of Lakemba, a Muslim group by the name of “Our Prophet, Our Honour”, will stage a demonstration at 8.30 pm today at Lakemba Train Station, marching against depictions of the prophet Muhammad.

One may note that they don’t just object to satirical or comic depictions. They are against all depictions, period. And that ban is a subset of the entirely-orthodox sharia ban on all visual representations of living beings; not just of Mohammed (though he does get special attention), but of any living being, human, animal or mythical. That ban has not always been observed but it is there and it is by no means a dead letter.  – CM

‘Known as “Stand United for Prophet Muhammad” the protest is to show the Muslim community’s love for their Prophet and to reject the attacks on him.

To draw a picture, any picture, of mohammed, is supposedly to ‘attack’ him. To criticise him is to ‘attack’ him. But to murder those who draw the pictures or make the criticism? …Perfectly halal.  To the Muslim mind, anything other than total submission – by everyone on earth – to their diktats = “attack”. – CM

‘A statement on the group’s Facebook event said: “Stand together to show that we are not phased by these attacks, and continue to love and follow his legacy”.

Ah yes, his legacy.  Assassinating critics, assassinating ‘apostates’, waging jihad fi sabil allah, robbing caravans, attacking and pillaging the peaceful Jewish farmers of the Khaybar Oasis, raping, enslaving, terrorising and mass-murdering anybody who refuses to Submit.  Forbidding music and pictures and wine and ordering the wholesale killing of pet dogs.  Commanding the beating of wives (Quran 4.34) and proclaiming, in the hadiths, that a man shall not be asked why he beat his wife.  Commanding and presiding over and actually carrying out torturings and beheadings of helpless captives.  Wedding and bedding girls as young as nine, just as Mohammed did to little Aisha.  Taking multiple wives – with multiple sex slaves on the side – just as Mohammed did.   Killing non-Muslim men and then seizing their terrified, grieving daughters or sisters or widows, and raping those women and girls and stuffing them into the harem, just as Mohammed did to Rayhana and Safiyya.  Enslaving people and then selling them as slaves, to make money.  Making treaties and then breaking them as soon as one feels strong enough to go in for the kill.  The pious Muslim-to-the-bootstraps jihadis of Islamic State and of Boko Haram and of Al Shabaab are showing us just what happens when people conform to the Sunnah of the so-called ‘prophet’, that murderous warlord Mohammed, he who is held up to all Muslims everywhere as “an excellent example of conduct” and whose every deed and word – every deed and word – are held to be right and good and permanently worthy of scrupulous imitation. – CM

‘Campaign organisers said they have been in constant contact with the police and hope tonight’s event is conveyed “in a positive, respectful way”.

Is that a threat? – CM

‘Almost 500 people are expected to attend the demonstration…”.

In the event, they apparently got about 800. I couldn’t find out how many attended the infidel rally against the latest lot of mosques.  Here’s the ABC ‘take’ on the Lakemba Muslim threat display.

‘Anti-Charlie Hebdo Protesters Take Aim at “Arrogant West” at Hizb ut Tahrir Rally in Lakemba.

They do so love to call us ‘arrogant’; all the while their bearded rage boys and be-zebiba’d jihad gang bosses alias ‘clerics’ strut and boast and wave sticks and swords on 1001 video clips all over the internet and threaten and sneer and hiss and snarl at us and stamp their feet and shake their fists and wag their index fingers and generally behave with..insufferable arrogance, all puffed up with pride like cane toads, demanding that the world’s six billion non-Muslims “submit! – or else!” – CM

‘Hundreds of people have gathered in western Sydney to protest against French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo, which published an image of the Islamic prophet Mohammed after jihadists murdered 12 staff members.

‘Police said about 800 people attended the rally, organised by controversial (sic: dangerous – CM) Islamic group Hizb ut Tahrir in the suburb of Lakemba.

According to official census figures, Lakemba went from 31 percent Muslim in 2001 to 51 percent Muslim in 2011.  It is Sydney’s – and Australia’s – most heavily Islamised area. – CM

‘Four people were arrested, and ten were removed from the area for breaching the peace, Campsie Local Area Commander Superintendent Michael McLean said.

‘No charges were laid.

Looks like the cops kept a lid on things, or else the Muslims knew not to push their luck.  I would be curious as to how many police were present and how many were on call for backup should occasion require. – CM

“Throughout the assembly, police were vigilant and at that time removed a number of items which we deemed to be offensive”, Superintendent McLean said.

“He would not say what the items were, and declined to detaill the actions of those arrested, but said some of the people were removed for their own safety.

That’s interesting. Perhaps some unhappy infidels turned up to let the Muslims know that some Aussies do still believe in freedom of expression. – CM

“I won’t comment on whether removed were pro-Prophet or whether they were for or against the cause”, he said.

The updated version of the report contains a little more from Supt McLean: – “I took the view that those people who were removed or moved on were being somewhat antagonistic and I took a view that perhaps their safety was at risk.”

That sounds as though they were unhappy non-Muslims. – CM

‘Many of the protesters held placards pledging their love for Mohammed, who was depicted on the magazine cover holding a sign displaying the words “Je suis Charlie”.

‘The French slogan became a popular message of solidarity, widely shared on social media and quoted at demonstrations around the world after terrorists (that is: Muslim terrorists seeking to enforce the sharia punishment for ‘blasphemy‘ – CM) attacked the magazine’s Paris offices earlier this month.

‘One speaker at the Lakemba rally, Sufyan Badar, took aim at what he called the arrogant West.

Ah yes, we are ‘arrogant’, because we refuse to adore as ‘prophet’ a slave-taking-and-trading caravan-robbing rapist warlord and gang boss from the 7th century, and refuse to Submit and refuse to obey our allah-appointed overlords, the Muslims, who believe that they are the ‘best of people’. – CM

‘They force their world-view onto us.

Gee, projection, much.  Nobody asked Muslims to come and live in France or Australia, mate. But since you are  here, then it’s our turf and our rules.  Stay in the lands you’ve already wrecked, and keep yourselves to yourselves – NO piratical raiding and robbing across the borders – and you’ll be fine. – CM

“We are the arrogant West and you Muslims have to accept our world view, you have to accept our freedoms…to insult your prophet”, he told the crowd.

But we rejected freedom yesterday, we reject freedom today, and we reject your freedom tomorrow”.

Righto, O Slave of the infernal allah.  I get it. You reject freedom. You choose slavery.  So what the bl**dy H*ll are you and your cronies doing in a free country?  You know where Sydney airport is? It’s thataway.  Pack your bags and get going, back to the hellpits of the dar al Islam.  And hand over your passport and citizenship papers as you hop on the plane, because you do. not. belong. in. Australia. Or anywhere else in any of the lands of the Non-Muslims, neither in the first world nor the third world.  All of us infidels – black, white, yellow, red, Christian, Jewish, Hindu, Zoroastrian, Pagan, Shinto, Confucian, Taoist, animist, atheist, agnostic – will get on swimmingly without you, and we’d be quite, quite happy to cut off all the means of transport and communication between our turf and yours, so that even if we choose to make naughty pictures of your dead-and-gone gang boss all day long, you won’t even know and what you don’t know won’t hurt you.

But of course, you won’t do that, you wont’t shove off back to the dar al Islam, the Desolation of Mohammed, because you’ve come here as colonists, as the vanguard of the ongoing 1400-year-long Muslim campaign to drag everybody else on planet earth down into the Void, turn every place on earth into a ghastly blend of Saudi Arabia, Iran, Yemen, Somalia, Afghanistan, and wretched, wretched Pakistan.  And you’d just love to take my daughters and enslave them and rape them and torment them, like your mates in Islamic State are doing to Yazidi and Christian girls in Iraq and Syria, and like your mates in Northern Nigeria have done to hundreds of Christian girls.  That’s what you want, Slave of Allah, isn’t it?  Free rein to enslave, to rob, to rape, to kill all of us dirty unbelievers.  If only my stupid, blinded government would wake up and see that people like you need to be given the boot. Now.  – CM

‘The “survivors’ issue” of the magazine, which had a print run of 5 million, sold out within minutes at newsagencies across France (and every one of those newsagencies deserves a medal for their refusal to bow to Muslim threats – CM) and was the subject of strong demand in Australia.

‘It caused outrage (that is: ‘it was seized upon as a handy excuse to attack the nearest infidel minority populations‘ – CM) in some parts of the world, including in the west African country of Niger, where at least 10 people were killed, and dozens of churches were burned in response.”

There would have been plans afoot among local Muslims to attack and burn those churches anyway.  Charlie Hebdo’s cartoon – a cartoon in a magazine that has mocked Christians and Christianity even more loudly and with greater vulgarity than it has ever mocked Islam, Muslims and Mohammed – was just the excuse du jour. 

And now for another ‘take’ on the Muslim threat display in Lakemba, with a few more details, from Australian Associated Press, one “Karlis Salna” reporting.

‘Hundreds at pro-Islam rally in Sydney’.

I observe that it was hundreds, not thousands.  Strikes me that the ummah, in Australia, is generally attempting to keep a somewhat lower profile, at the moment.  Maybe they sense that the Infidels – despite the continual pro-Islam nonsense poured at us from most of our media and many of our politicians – are not happy; are, indeed, getting distinctly cranky.  – CM

‘Hundreds of people have gathered at a rally in Sydney’s west in protest over negative coverage of Islam and treatment of the Prophet Mohammed.

I refuse to say nice things about a belief system that requires that a/ anyone who tries to leave it must be killed and b/ anyone – adherent or non-adherent – who criticises, questions or mocks it must be killed; and whose adherents do in fact carry out these injunctions, quite frequently.  Negative coverage of such a belief system and of those who carry out its ugly teachings is entirely warranted. – CM

‘While police said more than a dozen people were moved on from the rally for breaching the peace, the event was peaceful.

Perhaps the organisers were remembering what happened when they rioted in central Sydney in September 2012, and preferred not to run the risk of dog bites. – CM

‘Among the 800 strong crowd in the Muslim enclave of Lakemba (hmmm: so at 51 percent Muslim , and 49 percent non-Muslim, the suburb of Lakemba is now officially to be described as “Muslim”? – CM) placards were held up with the slogan “Je Suis Muslim” or “I am Muslim”, evoking the same sentiment that became a touchstone for many in the wake of attacks in Paris.

No. This is a threat. This is the Ummah, the aggressive hive-mind fostered by Islam. – CM

‘Organisers of the “Our Prophet, Our Honour” rally said it was intended to be “a peaceful and respectful event” to counter negative coverage of Islam and the lampooning of the Prophet by French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo.

The Muslims who, howling allahu akbar,and acting in accord with 1/ canonical Islamic texts depicting the killing of critics of Mohammed and Islam and 2/ canonical Islamic texts inculcating rampant and irrational Jew-hatred and depicting the killing of Jews, gunned down cartoonists in the office of a magazine, in Paris, in the heart of the West, and who also gunned down Jewish shoppers in a supermarket, guaranteed that Islam and Muslims would receive ‘negative coverage’.  And no amount of ‘spin’ and image management will remove that negative impression from the minds of any intelligent infidel who is capable of looking at the deeds of so many Muslims worldwide, and at the content of the Islamic texts, and puts two and two together to make four.  – CM

‘Speaking at the rally, outside the Lakemba train station, local Muslim leader Sufyan Badar told the crowd it was also in response to the waves of protests in the wake of the Charlie Hebdo attack.

‘Mr Badar said the protests in the name of free speech had nothing to do with freedom.

Oh yes they do you thug. – CM

‘We also gather to place the politics of the events in France in the correct context”, he said. “Freedom is the smokescreen with which Western politicians and media conceal the underlying issues.

“In reality, free speech is one of the many political tools that are used to maintain dominance over the Muslims”.

He’s projecting. Because his own belief system tells him he is entitled to dominate and domineer over everyone who isn’t a Muslim, everywhere, he projects that drive for Total World Domination onto the Infidels. – CM

‘Earlier, Prime Minister Tony Abbott warned against the rally being used to incite terrorism (sic: being used to incite Jihad; which, in essence, it was – CM) saying he hoped few people would attend.

‘Mr Abbott called on more Muslim leaders to distance themselves from “evil things that are done in the name of Islam”.

They can’t. Because killing apostates, killing ‘blasphemers’ (that is, those who question or criticise or mock Mohammed or Islam or Muslims – CM), practising polygyny, beating wives, force-‘marrying’ little girls, taking and trading in slaves, and attacking and seeking either to convert or to subjugate – or to kill – all non-Muslims qua non-Muslims, are all part and parcel of historic, normative Islam, and part of the Sunnah of Mohammed. – CM

‘Hamzah Qureshi, a spokesman for the controversial (sic: “seditious”, or, Fifth Column – CM) group Hizb ut Tahrir, which helped organise the event, questioned the Prime Minister’s comments and the suggestion that the event could incite violence.

“No-one should be asked to apologise for or distance themselves from something they are not responsible for” Mr Qureshi said.

Really? So why are you holding an event that essentially declares your solidarity with the Muslims who murdered the Charlie Hebdo cartoonists?  And why do Muslim mobs all over the world, all the time, exact collective punishment on whatever vulnerable infidels happen to be within reach, whenever other infidels thousands of miles away, infidels of other languages and even other belief systems, are deemed to have done something, anything, that “offends” Muslims?  You demand that we not tar all Muslims with the same brush, that you not be held responsible for things that other Muslims do, even whilst, all the time, Muslims claim the right to tar all Infidels with the same brush, and to hold all Infidels responsible for anything that any other Infidel does or is claimed to have done. – CM

“I would, however, mention that it’s interesting that the question of whether a Muslim event will be peaceful or violent consistently seems to come up.”

ROFLMAO.  You have to ask why?  Because, Mr Muslim, so many, many Muslim events do turn violent, more consistently so than events organised by members of any other belief system; we have seen such eruptions of Muslim violence in Sydney itself, more than once, besides of course the mobs full of wild-eyed gaping-mawed zebiba’d Mohammedan Rage Boys rioting, burning flags, smashing property, attacking churches and synagogues and temples, lynching defenceless infidels (those two Christians who were beaten and then tossed into a brick kiln by hundreds of Muslims in Pakistan, just a couple of months ago), that appear on the news day after day, week after week, year after year, all over the world. It’s called ‘pattern recognition’, mate.  Statistics and probability.  Other groups do mobs, everyone does mobs from time to time, but the Mohammedan Mob does mob violence – whether in their own lands or anywhere else  – more and worse than anyone else.

And if there hadn’t been a vigilant police presence about, if your lot hadn’t been put firmly on notice beforehand, Mr Qureshi, I suspect that this particular gathering mightn’t have been as ‘peaceful’ as it was, either.  So quit the whining. – CM

‘Police later said in a statement that the event had been concluded peacefully, although 14 people were removed for breaching the peace.  No charges were laid.”

So that’s that, for the time being. I do hope, however, that every one of the 800 mohammedans who turned up has – unless masked – been photographed by ASIO and/ or the AFP and the images placed in a database for future reference if required. – CM