Sydney: Yet Another Muslim Man Arrested For Plotting Jihad, but the ABC Avoids Stating the Flaming Obvious

This little report, filed by the ABC’s police reporter Jessica Kidd, describes the arrest of a Muslim man who was plotting mass-murderous Jihad, yet manages to entirely avoid the J-word, the M-word and the I-word.  It does however mention the name of the plotter’s lawyer which reveals that, like the plotter himself, he is an active member of You Know What, being named after You Know Who.

“Sydney Man Farhad Said Charged Over Alleged Terrorism Plot Targeting Government Buildings”.

That should have been something like “Sydney-Based Muslim Man, Farhad Said, Charged Over Jihad Plot Targeting Government Employees’.  – CM

‘A 24 year old Sydney man (sic: “Sydney-based Muslim man” – CM) arrested on terrorism charges is understood to be linked to alleged plots targeting government buildings.

Not the buildings.  The people inside the buildings.  I don’t think he was interested in attacking the buildings when they were empty.  Rephrase – “plots targeting government employees”, or “plots targeting government workers” or “plots targeting public servants”. Or, let’s cut right to the chase, “linked to alleged plots to murder Infidel public servants”.  The government workers are targeted because they are not Muslims; because no Infidel state is viewed, by a pious Muslim, as having any right to continue to exist.  It must be destroyed or forced to Submit to Islam; it must be replaced by a Sharia-compliant despotism where Muslims, and Muslims only, rule… absolutely. – CM

‘The Bankstown man, Farhad Said, has been charged with one count of conspiracy to conduct an act in preparation for a terrorist act.

Most Muslims in Sydney currently reside in its western and south-western suburbs.  Bankstown is one of those.  It is not as heavily Islamised as, say, Auburn and Lakemba where Muslims now form a plurality.  But it is well on the way.   According to the 2011 census

26.2 percent of residents in Bankstown identified as Muslims.  Of the remainder, 21.5 percent were Catholic, 8.6 percent were Eastern Orthodox (meaning that the combined Christian presence accounted for at least 30 percent of the suburb’s population), 12.2 percent were Buddhists, and 8.7 percent identified as atheists. (I have not been able to find out what acccounts for the other 20 percent).  In its wiki entry it is described as “one of the most multicultural areas in the country”.  However, given that between 2001 and 2011 the Muslim percentage grew rapidly, the reality is that  – if nothing is done to reverse the Mohammedan influx  – Bankstown, like so many other areas in western and non-western Infidel countries at the moment, is on its way to becoming yet another dismal Mohammedan monoculture, with members of all other faiths – and no faith – steadily driven out.  Now, back to our Jihad plotter.  Got Muslims? – got Jihad. Bankstown is nearly 30 percent Muslim, they are feeling locally powerful and emboldened? – Jihad plots are guaranteed. – CM

‘He was arrested by counter-terrorism police outside his home this morning, as part of Australia’s biggest counter-terrorism operation.

So far.   But I wouldn’t be surprised if in a month or six months or a year we were being told about another such operation, even bigger.  I can only hope that ASIO, the AFP and our metropolitan police are enough on the ball that we won’t be hearing about ‘Australia’s biggest terrorist attack‘. – CM

‘It is alleged Said is connected with a number of men already facing charges of possessing documents designed to facilitate a terrorist act.

He had a pile of Qurans? – CM

Federal investigators have previously alleged the group was planning to target government buildings such as the headquarters of the Australlian Federal Police and the Garden Island Naval Base in Sydney.

It wasn’t the buildings. It was the personnel in the buildings who would have been attacked, in an open act of war carried out by persons intending to achieve Total World Domination – social, political and ideological – for the Ummah, or Mohammedan Mob, the Religion of Blood and War, the de facto Empire of Islam. – CM

‘Said’s case has been briefly mentioned in a Sydney Court, where he did not appear.

His lawyer, Muhammad Tehseldar, told the magistrate, “I’m not in a position to apply for bail”.

And there, way down in the article, the name of the lawyer, is the one and only real hint that this case has anything to do with You-Know-What. This jihad plotter’s lawyer is named… Muhammad.  I do wonder just how many Mohammedans, all over the Western world, have been busily studying up on Infidel law, all the better to promote the Cause of Islam.  – CM

‘The arrest by the Joint Counter Terrorism team is part of the ongoing Operation Appleby investigation.

‘Police are reassuring the public that there is no new threat to the community.

‘The Joint Counter-Terrorism team have charged 14 people in relation to Operation Appleby, since September 2014…

That’s just this particular plot, fortunately foiled in the course of the past two years.  And so far 14 ‘people’ have been arrested and charged.  All of them Muslims.  There have been other plots, and other ‘people’, not a few, all of them Muslims, Muslims, Muslims, here in Australia, in the years since September 11 2001. Not a few trials, and not a few dangerous jihad-minded Muslims currently sitting in our jails (and putting the strongarm on infidel fellow prisoners to join the Allah Gang), besides those who didn’t plot to raid government buildings and murder public servants, or behead the Prime Minister, or attack sports fans at the Sydney Cricket Ground, or soldiers at the Holsworthy Army base, but instead indulged in crimes such as extortion, the wholesale manufacture and/ or distribution of illegal drugs, assault (including the attempted murder of a gay Aussie Infidel outside a club) and (two different gangs, one composed of Lebanese Arab Muslims, the other of Pakistani Muslims) serial gang rape of infidel girls.  But it’s still, so we are told repeatedly by the earnest Defenders of Islam, just a tinyminorityofextremists who have nothingtodowithIslam…   Suuuuure, pull the other leg, it’s got bells on. Because, in the same time period, how many Aussie-resident Christians, or Buddhists, or Jews, or Hindus, or atheists, have had to be arrested on charges of, for example, plotting to attack and murder public servants? In the same time period, for example, has any Aussie Buddhist or Hindu gone to his local shrine, picked up a gun there, and then marched down the road to the nearest cop shop and assassinated the first police employee who happened to walk out the door?  Answer: none.  But a Muslim has done just that: gone to a mosque, there received a gun from another Muslim, and then walked up the street to the Parramatta police HQ and murdered an unassuming Sino-Australian police accountant.  – CM