Tariq Ramadan Is Embarrassed By The Islamic State, So Breezily Declares It "Un-Islamic"

Tariq Ramadan, like other promoters of Islam, defenders of the faith, in the West, is embarrassed by the Islamic State. For the Islamic State simply presents the spectacle of Islamic conquest, and Islamic subjugation of people who are either not Muslim or considered to be insufficiently Islamic if Muslim, speeded up. You see before you what Islam did, but no longer taking centuries to do it, when months or a year or two will do. The movie is the same.

What can poor Tariq Ramadan do? The Islamic State authorities are careful always to quote exactly from the Qur’an, and to refer to the Sunnah (set down in the Hadith and Sira) to justify their every act. Muhammad did this, Muhammad sad that, it is written in the Qur’an, the learned muhaddithin Al-Bukhari and Muslim both agree that this hadith is authentic, and so on. He can only bleat, without offering any evidence, that the Islamic State is “un-Islamic.” That’s it. Not a single example is adduced of behavior that was not approved of by Muhammad, or an attitude that does not arise naturally from Qur’an and Sunnah. So he thinks, that somehow, his nonsensical and baseless remark will be accepted, without question. That might have happened ten years ago. It can still happen today, among the likes of Karen Armstrong or one or two or a dozen others terminally gullible. But even those who do not quite grasp the full horror of Islam know perfectly well that the Islamic State is not “un-Islamic,” but very very very Islamic.


2 Responses

  1. A couple days ago I happened to be passing by Devon Avenue here in Chicago. For those unfamiliar with Chicago geography, Devon Avenue is the epicenter of Muslim- owned small businesses in the city. In a store-front were stacked the local English language weekly. I glanced at the two major front page headlines on this random day. The first was a story extolling the virtues of that ultra-Orthodox Jewish sect that rejects Israel. The other headline read as follows: “Why the Islamic state are phony Muslims.” Indeed! Me thinks thou dost protest too much.

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