Teacher quits French Muslim school accusing it of ‘promoting Islamism’

France’s first state-funded Muslim faith school says it will sue for defamation one of its teachers who resigned after writing in a national newspaper that the establishment was a hotbed of anti-Semitism and was “promoting Islamism” to pupils.

A week after the terror attacks on Charlie Hebdo magazine in Paris, Sofiane Zitouni wrote a first opinion piece in the daily Libération titled “Today, the Prophet is also Charlie”. He wrote in a second article in the same paper this week that he had decided to resign from the school in Lille where he had been teaching philosophy since last September because of the negative reaction to the publication of the first piece. 

He said that a colleague at the school told him that he “should know that you are going to make yourself a lot of enemies here, and I advise you to keep an eye over your shoulder when you walk down the street.”

“In reality the Averroès Lycée is a Muslim territory that is being funded by the state,” Mr Zitouni wrote. “(It) promotes in a sneaky and pernicious way a vision of Islam that is nothing other than Islamism, which is to say an unhealthy mix of religion and politics.” He also said that “in twenty years of teaching I have never heard so many anti-Semitic remarks from the mouths of pupils.” 

Its principal, El Hassane Oufker, rejected Mr Zitouni’s allegations and said that he planned to sue him for defamation. . . The local education authority said that, in agreement with the principal, it would carry out an inspection to”verify that the school was adhering to the terms of the contract that it had signed with the state.” 



One Response

  1. “In reality the Averroes Lycee is a Muslim territory that is funded by the state”, Mr Zitouni wrote.”

    Now *that* is telling it like it is.

    And indeed, even if it were funded wholly by the Muslim ummah – whether within France, or from without, as per the House of Saud or any other entity – it would still be **Muslim territory**.

    Anyone who has read the work of Sam Solomon, or has read Patrick Sookhdeo’s “Faith Power and Territory” and “Islam in Britain” knows that at its core Islam is all about seizing, and dominating, this-worldly “turf”, from the vantage point of bases such as mosques and madrasas.

    As for Mr Zitouni himself – since he has come thus far, since he has broken the Ummah’s omerta by warning the surrounding Infidels about Jew-hatred festering in a madrasa and also warning them about the Muslim tactic of subverting a host society by creating a state-within-a-state – one hopes he may screw up his courage just a little more, reflect on the precedent set by the likes of Magdi Cristiano Allam and…apostasise altogether. I am sure the band of happy apostates at Riposte Laique would be only too pleased to welcome an addition to their ranks.

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