Tennessee’s Three Apologist Bills and the Chattanooga Jihad Murder

From the tn Council for Political Justice:

If Bill Gibbons, Bill Killian and Bill Haslam hadn’t elevated Tennessee’s Muslims to a super protected class could the Chattanooga jihad murder have been averted?

Bill Gibbons – Despite the 2009 jihad murder by Memphis native Carlos Bledsoe, Tennessee’s Commissioner of Safety and Homeland Security Bill Gibbons (also from Memphis), took an early lead in obscuring any objective examination of who and what the jihad threat might be in Tennessee:

  • 2011 – Bill Gibbons assigned James Cotter to help organize the American Muslim Advisory Council (AMAC) whose founding members openly praise Muslim Brotherhood organizations that “help American Muslims stay true to their religious values while being uniquely American.”

  • In 2009 James Cotter was a TNDHS Regional Advisor who said with regard to foreign threats, “anything that they do over there can happen here and will.” [almost like a prediction of Chattanooga]. Not long after helping AMAC organize, Cotter was promoted to the state’s Office of Homeland Security Training Advisor.

  • 2011 – AMAC posted these pictures from when they were invited by TNDHS to start training Tennessee safety and homeland security personnel.

paris landing copy

  • November 2011, Gibbons sent a congratulatory letter to AMAC dated months before his denial of his agency’s involvement with them.

  • In early 2012 when asked, Gibbons denied ever having been involved with AMAC – right before his 2011 letter appeared.

  • September 2012 – Nashville Somali refugee worker said “she was ready to die for Allah. Further, Abdullahi said that her life starts after death and that she should pick up a gun and ‘shoot all these people,’ referring to her co-workers.”

amal-ahmed-abdullahi-620ds091012 copy

Bill Killian – In June 2013 Tennessee U.S. Attorney Bill Killian spoke at an AMAC event. He said he would use federal civil rights laws to stop legally permissible hate speech directed at Muslims. The next day Killian disclosed how he planned to promote politically correct speech while suppressing First Amendment rights:

“Hateful statements directed at another will be used as evidence in a hate crime,… Our district has a 96 percent conviction rate…and we’ve never had a conviction overturned for violation of First Amendment.”  

  • December 2014 – a claimed ISIS related group threatened to blow up the Memphis-Arkansas bridge.

  • January 2015 – Cyber Caliphate hacks into “secure” Stewart County, TN server.

  • May, 2015 – Nashville Douglas Corner Cafe cyber-hacked with “I am Muslim and I love jihad”

  • July 16, 2015 – Jihad murders at two military reserve centers in Chattanooga.

Bill Killian has been assigned the lead position in investigating the Chattanooga jihad murders. Bill Killian has made his Islamist apologist bias public and has a conflict of interest and should recuse himself.

Bill Haslam – the governor of Oklahoma, Mary Fallon DID NOT HESITATE to immediately issue an executive order enabling National Guardsmen to be armed at military facilities. Governors in several other states followed her lead.

With his typical lack of urgency, the best Bill Haslam could do was delay action. First he’s having an inquiry made and then he’ll see about how the state can expedite members of the military getting a state gun carry permit.

Is the Governor aware that the Brentwood mosque where jihadi murderer Abdulazeez prayed while he was working in Franklin, is located right next door to a Marine recruitment center? 


What’s the likelihood that any or all of the Three Bills, can put their political correctness and Muslim apologist bias aside to remember that they have a duty to protect all of us, not just Muslim sensitivities?


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