Terror in Egypt: Jihadi gunmen waving black flag of ISIS are shot dead before they could detonate suicide vest after storming hotel and opening fire on European tourists in Red Sea resort

For those still unsure, I think it’s time to cross the Muslim world off your list of tourist destinations. MailOnline:

Two jihadis armed with a pellet gun and knives have wounded three tourists at the entrance of a hotel in an Egyptian Red Sea resort.

Security forces said the attackers arrived by sea to launch the onslaught on the beachside Bella Vista Hotel, in the Red Sea resort of Hurghada.

They claimed to have killed an attacker and have seriously wounded a second armed with a knife. 

The interior ministry denied initial reports that the terrorists were wearing suicide vests, confirming that no explosive devices were found at the scene. 

The two attackers entered the hotel’s outdoor restaurant at the front of the building and randomly started to attack the tourists.

The attackers were reportedly carrying the black flag of tawheed with the shahada, the Muslim testament of faith, written it white. The symbolic flag is commonly used by ISIS.

Egyptian authorities today said the dead attacker was a 21-year-old student from the Cairo neighbourhood of Giza as video emerged of his accomplice being questioned as he lay injured in the aftermath.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3390894/Gunmen-killed-shooting-European-tourists-Egypt.html#ixzz3wqCgy6km
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