The Beduin of the Negev are Going Jihad, as Muslims Anywhere So Very Readily Do

A worrying little report from Israel National News on 15th January, hot on the heels of news that two Beduin Arab Muslim women, possessing Israeli citizenship, had plotted to carry out jihad terror attacks in response to incitement from Islamic State.

“Are Negev Bedouin Radicalizing?”

Translation – “Are Negev Bedoin Going Jihad?” – CM

‘Bedouin citizens (that is: “Israel-passport-holding Bedouin Arab Muslims” – CM) in the Negev have begun embedding an image of Al Aqsa mosque in the stone walls of their homes, Israel Ha-Yom reported.

‘The new signs are part of a larger trend in which the Bedouin population (sic: ‘Bedouin Arab Muslim population” – CM) is becoming Islamic (they always were Muslims! – CM) and radical (more fervently and aggressively Islamic; but… consult the descriptions of the Bedouin Arab Muslims, in writings from an earlier time, such as Australian lighthorseman Ion L Idriess’s “The Desert Column”, his account of the campaign to liberate the land of Israel from Ottoman Muslim rule in 1917, and one sees that the Bedouin Muslims were very fanatically and aggressively Muslim, and very conscious of their superiority, as Arab Muslims, to other kinds of Muslims, such as the Turks –  CM) and more supportive of the Palestinian Authority, as a result of the Bedouin “importing” of PA wives.

And why would those marriages be happening in the first place?  Would it not be for the same reason, say, that Pakistani Muslims resident in the UK, rather than marry British-born-and-raised Muslimahs, prefer to import their female cousins from villages in the badlands of Pakistan?  – CM

Muslims are polygamous (and it is very, very foolish of the Israelis to have permitted Muslims within Israel, whether officially or unofficially, to practise polygyny at all; if Jews are not permitted to have more than one wife, within Israel, then neither should Muslims be permitted to have more than one wife, and if they were found to have taken two or more, whether officially or unofficially, they should have been punished. – CM) and in Bedouin society, the first, most honoured wife is another Bedouin, while second wives, who are considered lower class, come from the PA or Gaza.  As a result of this ‘intermarriage”, many PA and Gazan women acquire Israeli citizenship (and that is precisely why the marriages are being undertaken in the first place; and it is also precisely why such marriages should not be permitted – certainly, if polygynous, they shouldn’t be permitted, full stop; or if they are, the wife should not be granted Israeli citizenship; at most she should be permitted residency – CM) and many Bedouin (sic: Bedouin Arab Muslim – CM) children feel a close connection with the PA and Gaza.

“These signs are warning signals, warning us of the arousal of nationalistic tendencies (sic: he should have said, more open and aggressive incitement to Jihad” – CM) among Israel’s Bedouin citizens”, Amihai Yogev of Regavim noted.  (He should have said, “Among Bedouin Arab Muslims who hold Israeli citizenship”. – CM).

“We need to understand that this is mostly the result of State policies.

‘The Regavim Movement works to preserve state lands.

“On the one hand, for dozens of years, Israel has not fought the trend of “importing” wives from the Palestinian Authority”, he noted. “This caused a situation in which the PA wives and their chidlren comprise a full fifth of the Bedouin population”.

“On the other hand, Israel has not prevented the incitement led by Raed Salah and the Islamic Movement, which have become more popular among the Bedouin”.

Perfectly predictable.  Being Muslim, the Bedouin are ‘primed’ to be receptive to such incitement.  – CM

‘Israel must reapply its sovereignty to the Negev“, Yogev concluded.

Yes.  Or it will lose it.  This subspecies of ‘chain migration’, this influx of women from among the ‘Palestinian’ (sic) Arab Muslims of the so-called “Palestinian Authority” and from jihad armed camp Gaza, to be second and third (and fourth?) ‘wives’ among the Bedouin Arab Muslim population, is merely one more manifestation of demographic jihad; of hijra, ‘migration for the sake of Islam’.  

It is high time that ex-Muslim Sam Solomon’s useful book “Al-Hijra: The Islamic Doctrine of Immigration”, were translated into Hebrew, and into Russian, and into French, and circulated within Israel.  They would find that it offered a fresh understanding of what was happening when Muslims – after ignoring and neglecting eretz Yisroel for centuries – suddenly turned round and flooded into it, from the late 19th century on. And what is happening even now, in various ways, within Israel, where Muslims – without necessarily engaging in obvious and open warfare – continually aggress against Jews – and against Christian Arabs – in this or that part of the country, both in the north and in the south.  And of what is going on when Bedouin Arab Muslim clans, and other Arab Muslim clans, arrange for Gazan Arab Muslim women, and women from among the so-called ‘Palestinian’ Arab Muslims in the Muslim colonies in Judea and Samaria, to get inside the gates of Israel, and acquire Israeli citizenship, by marrying Bedouin Arab Muslim men, within Israel. – CM