The Bizarre Reactions to the Hamas Massacre

 by Armando Simón

Every villain is followed by a sophist with a sponge. —Lord Acton

I could never be an adequate liberal. Whether it is due to my temperament or to my professional training, I am in the habit of seeing both sides of any issue, even though I may incline to one side or the other. This has always been the case with the ungodly mess in the Middle East. Additionally, I have had both Palestinian and Israeli friends and I know that there is plenty of blame to go around.

Having said that, on viewing the recent repulsive acts of butchery by Palestinians, I am writing off any consideration of Palestinians’ views or cries.

Frankly, they can all go to hell.

I admit I was initially impressed by the well-coordinated attack as well as the novel use of paragliders, a contrast to the usual bombastic and inept attacks of the past. That is, until I asked myself, what was the goal? Was it to capture arms? Was it to free prisoners? Was it to seize territory?

No. It was simply to kill innocent people—just for the sake of killing. Civilians. Families. That was it. Murder for the sake of murder. Not only that, these sadistic savages went one step further, mutilating bodies and beheading babies, disemboweling women, raping and kidnapping assorted civilians who were just enjoying a music festival. The fact that the innocents were Jews is irrelevant; the atrocities were inherently revolting no matter who the victims were.

The instruments may be modern, but these are the same acts that primitive savages indulged in centuries ago. There is something about the Arab mentality that is still locked in that mindset. They have a primitive mind.

You are doubtful? Their children are taught to kill Jews.

Fine, call this racism if you want, I don’t care, but the actions speak for themselves.

What finally solidified my change of mind were the number of interviews of Palestinians in Gaza, America and the UK when they were asked immediately afterwards about the massacres in Israel. They automatically began wailing about their past oppression. Absolutely no empathy, no human compassion. Pictures of the Israeli victims have been ripped down. Worse, we have seen massive celebrations overjoyed at the fact that hundreds of innocent civilians of all ages were butchered

Imagine that, that some would celebrate the killing of innocent people.

Just like other Muslim savages did after 9/11.

This is probably due to their religion. I have written before that Islam is the perfect religion for criminals. Whereas other religions urge their followers to renounce what we would call Satanic impulses, Islam actually encourages its followers to carry out murder, rape, and theft towards non-Muslims. It is truly a Satanic religion. If you think this is exaggeration just read the Koran. Read the history of Islam. Unlike the latte sipping, cocaine snorting Hollywood celebrities I have read the history of Islam and I have read both the Koran and the Hadith.

And, yes, I am Islamophobic; to be Islamophobic is a rational choice by any civilized person. I simply don’t understand why, when leftists “accuse” someone of being Islamophobic, the person doesn’t simply acknowledge it—proudly—instead of stupidly groveling and apologizing.

Mind you, I have no illusions about Israel. I am not one of those Christian evangelists who believe that Israel can do no wrong/has ever done no wrong, and that Armageddon is just around the corner whereupon Israel will be a pivotal participant. I have also never adhered to the widely held belief that occasional criticism of the country or the latest prime minister (like any other country or world politician)—or for that matter criticizing American Jews—was to reveal oneself as a Nazi.

But if I have to choose between the two, Israel is hands down the logical choice. Israelis do not go around beheading children. They are not pathological liars. They do not deliberately target civilians. And many of them in the past have expressed sympathy for the plight of the Palestinians as well as condemned the lawless settlers. Furthermore, if you brush aside the occasional chauvinistic claims, there is no question that Israel is an oasis of scientific and cultural progress whereas most Arab countries are an intellectual wasteland. And you have to admit that dropping leaflets in northern Gaza warning civilians to get out of harm’s way is unique in warfare.

Violence by Israel has always been as a response by Arabs’ acts of violence; it’s not as if Israelis get bored and decide to bomb a town into rubble just to relieve the boredom. For Palestinians—and Arabs in general—they only see the response in their minds; it’s as if they are unable to conceive the concept of cause and effect.

The Trojan Horse has dislodged its contents

But it gets worse.

What has shocked many individuals (Jews and Gentiles) in the West is that there were/are celebrations of the massacre taking place in America, Britain, Australia, France, Greece with viciously hateful chants like “Gas the Jews!” and praising Hitler. The individuals involved were a combination of immigrant Muslims and (native) Communists. And, as is their wont, they of course engaged in terrorist activities in those countries. Such is the nature of savages.

They also engaged in the tactic of blaming the victim, claiming that Israel deserved the attack.

For years—actually now for decadesmany have warned against letting these savages immigrate into civilized Western countries and, of course, the Casandras have been subjected to a cascade of harassment and insults, of which “racist” and “fascist” are the favorite insults, since the insulting individuals are leftists and they only respond one way as all good NPCs do. The elites have ignored the wishes and demands of their citizens on this and many other issues. Now, we see that instead of assimilating into the welcoming society (which Muslim savages openly despise), acts of kindness and benevolence by Westerners are repaid with violent crimes, from cannibalism, to murder.

Recently, a Dutch ship rescued a boatload of savages from the high seas, whereupon the savages attacked the rescuing crew with their hidden knives.

And you’re surprised?


On the other hand, countries like Poland, Japan and Hungary that have prevented immigration from third World countries in defiance of the EU elites have not had any problems with jihadists. Cause and effect.

America was likewise experiencing terrorism by Muslims which killed many people. One of the first things that Donald Trump did was to restrict immigration from countries that were infested with Islamic fanatics. This sent liberals in America—including countless Jews—into a frenzy of hysterics at his “racism” and they set up multiple legal challenges which Trump’s staff finally overcame.

Since then, terrorist acts by Muslims have disappeared. Cause and effect.

The anti-Semitism of the left

The accusation of “anti-Semitism” is one of the left’s repertoire of insults to hurl at their opponents, regardless of relevance or truth, so it seems bizarre that liberals are engaging in anti-Semitic acts and words. Nonetheless, that is what they are doing.

—A group of Jewish students barricaded themselves in the library of NYC for safety from pro-Palestine “activists.”

—A man with a knife broke into a Jewish family’s home shouting “Free Palestine!” and “Brown people matter!”

—At UCLA, leftists and Muslims pranced about yelling, “Intifada!”

—A former Communist teacher and now state representative for the Democratic Party attended a Palestinian rally, and shrugged off Hamas’ crimes.

—New York University’s Law School Bar Association president approved the slaughter of Israelis.

—A poll showed that a majority of 18-24 believed Hamas’s massacre of 1,200 Israeli civilians was “justified.”

—A city in California passed a resolution condemning Israel as practicing ethnic cleansing.

— University of California Los Angeles (UCLA), Northeastern University School of Law and Georgetown Law Center are promoting terrorist organizations for their students.

Taliban flags were waved at a pro-Palestine demonstration at Florida Atlantic University.

—The Communist New York’s branch of Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) waved the red star alongside anti-Israel placards. Remember that comrade Senator Bernie sanders wanted to be elected in order to establish “democratic socialism?” Sanders, a Jewish Communist is anti-Israel. Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y.; Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich.; Cori Bush, D-Mo.; and Ilhan Omar, D-Minn. Reps. Jamaal Bowman, D-N.Y.; and Greg Casar, D-Texas, are members of DSA. Maurice Isserman, a Jewish Marxist who had belonged to the Communist terrorist group SDS of the ‘60s, and co-founder of DSA, resigned from his position in the organization over the anti-Semitism.

—A lecturer at Stanford University asked his Jewish students to identify themselves, then had them stand in the corner and shamed them. What is equally shameful is that the sheep complied. Jewish students are fearful for their lives in leftist American universities.

—Thanks to some State Department leftist bureaucrat, tens of thousands of Somali Muslim savages were sent to Minnesota. There was a pro-Palestine demonstration where an old man in a car was attacked. A city council candidate took part and urged people to find out who the old man was; he also took part in the George Floyd riots.

—A Cornell professor stated the massacre by Hamas was “exhilarating.” He had previously called the Fraternal Order of Police a “terrorist organization.”

—The New York Pravda has hired a journalist who admires Hitler. Mind you, the newspaper staff is predominantly Jewish and anti-Israel and anti-Semitic.

—A transgender University of California Davis has threatened to hunt down Jews in their homes.

—Let’s not forget the media. Various news organization refuse to refer to Hamas or to the murderers as “terrorist.” It would hurt their feelings. Or they refuse to acknowledge that the atrocities occurred even though the terrorists themselves recorded it for later entertainment. Or they engage in their usual practice of fake news. One Jewish journalist tried to make a distinction between “beheaded babies” and “babies found headless,” writing it was important to differentiate the two.

—There is also support through silence. The SPLC, which has labeled the parents’ organization, Moms for Liberty, as a terrorist group, has kept silence on the Hamas atrocity.

Young people have been lobotomized in universities by Communists intent on cloning themselves and, as we can see, they have done a good job, thanks partly to the mouthbreathing retards that we call conservatives doing nothing to arrest this trend. They have succeeded in making their students hate their country. And, as alarming as the above may be, keep in mind that for some time now, liberals have been engaging in censorship and have called for the elimination of the Republican Party in “order to save democracy,” have also called for the extermination of “MAGA extremists,” as well as called for the establishment of re-education camps for political enemies.

They mean it.

As one commentator aptly put it: “You know we got problems when the Ayatollah, our politicians and academia all sound alike.”

In a way it’s not surprising. You may remember that days after 9/11 there were many liberals laughing over the horror, saying America deserved it. One particular individual—who passed himself off as a Native American—by the name of Ward Churchill gloated in an article. He was canceled. How times have changed! Now he would have been made dean at Harvard or at the very least be given a tenure position.

American Jews have cut their own throats

But now, we should discuss something that few want to discuss, to wit, that American Jews are paradoxically responsible to a large degree for the sudden tsunami of anti-Semitism.

Elsewhere I have discussed the Masada mentality that many Jews have, which we are seeing develop. I mentioned that many Jews fulminated against Trump and welcomed Jew-hating Muslims into America because in doing so, they patted themselves on the back as being “noble” and “courageous” (more accurate words would be “suicidal” and “stupid”); these are the same Jews that have supported Ilhan Omar and Rashid Tlaib. They felt very “noble” and “courageous” in doing so.

Apparently, they thought there would be a change of minds among the Muslim immigrants when they saw how “noble” and “courageous” those Jews were and they would all kiss each other, link arms and sing Kumbaya.

It is the same kind of mentality that we have seen in those instances of organizations of homosexuals participating in the pro-Palestine demonstrations.

But some of those Jews were Marxists and deep down they knew that the influx of Muslims would be conducive towards the destruction of the country in order to build a Marxist utopia. This is the same kind of logic that explains why Marxist Jews have been bankrolling anti-white racist persons and organizations—such as the Marxist BLM—except that large numbers of blacks have also attacked Jews and Asians, thereby going against the script. No matter, Marxist Jews persist in doing so, even at their own destruction. The reader may not know that the person who drew up a plan and convinced Jim Jones to carry out mass suicide for ideological reasons in Jonestown was a Jew.

And now, the Muslim savages inside America and elsewhere are targeting Jews. Will Marxist Jews face reality? Will they abandon anti-America, anti-Israel slogans? No. Fanatics rarely change.

Think I am exaggerating? Look at the instances of leftist Jews condemning Israel and supporting the Palestinians. Along with Sweden’s most obnoxious brat supporting Palestinians a Jew can be seen with a similar sign.

What is amusing, in a perverse sort of way, is that other leftist Jews are shocked at their leftist friends’ expressed anti-Semitism and celebration of the civilian massacre?

Surprised? Seriously??


Armando Simón is the author of A Cuban from Kansas and Fables from the Americas.


7 Responses

  1. The overwrought author wrote as a sub-headline: “American Jews have cut their own throats”.

    Really? American Jews have “cut their own throats?” This disgusting rhetoric is used to make a political point critical of leftists while hundreds Jews in Israel literally had their throats cut on the 7th of October? The author perhaps thinks that this is “strong writing” and “powerful polemic.” Not so.

    An author should be more considerate of the phraseology used, particularly in such highly emotionally charged moments.

    The total falsehood of American leftism (particularly among American Jews) is clear for all to see. Some American leftist Jews will abandon their fantasies and empty worldview as so many have done in Israel and elsewhere as antisemitism and hate explodes around the world in the aftermath of the massacre.

    As a reader of this journal I find the author’s choice of terminology disgusting and offensive.

    1. It’s unfortunate that you find my language offensive, but I have never resorted to ever-so-polite euphemisms when discussing evil or stupidity. I know some people do, but I don’t. I continue to think individuals who burn people alive, behead children, disembowel a pregnant woman and just plain kills inoffensive persons as sadistic savages.

      In regards to “American Jews have cut their own throats” , I never cease to be amazed at how some people will misinterpret a patently obvious statement. The statement did not refer to the Israelis killed by Hamas but to Jews who welcomed Muslims to this country in droves and now they see how their “noble” actions have been repaid.

      1. I think some majority of American Jews are just idiots. They see a fringe and think there are armies of really dangerous Nazis out there in flyover country ready to do another Holocaust in America, probably assume the bulk of white people would help them, so they ally with people who much more likely actually hate them- militant African Americans and imported Muslims, assuming these will create enough Diversity and structural conflict to keep the Invisible Armies of the White Supremacy off their backs.

        Even those who remember Crown Heights seem to think that way. Nuts.

        For that matter, the Invisible Nazi Armies were at their lowest ebb and most laughable and laughed at position in American society during the decades when this silly policy was taking shape and to the comparatively trivial extent that these have re-emerged, it has been a response to some of those trends.

        It might be the dumbest survival strategy ever implemented, and is not likely to end well.

      2. The author provides a direct and forceful discussion on how savagery from the Sixth Century is a real threat to Western Civilization and some delicate reader calls him “overwrought”. The biggest concern to the offended one is use of a common term for self destruction? Good grief, fetch the fainting couch.

  2. AS has hit the bullseye with his indictment of all stripes and spots — the subsapient and subhuman.
    AS has shown why Islamophobia is a myth aimed at mystifying the idiots too dumb to be morons, believing there can be irrational fear of Islam. The rational fear of Islam, Islammetusia, is clearly justified, as demonstrated by Islam history and the 100+ Verses of Violence codified and commanded in the Koran and related commentaries.
    We demented Westerners have swallowed the poison of Islam concealed by years of taqiyya and varieties of kitman, but now the hudna is done with.
    Now is the time to either vomit the poison, defecate and decamp from the commode, or be flushed away.

  3. Those first paragraphs captured something of my own evolution.

    In the 80s I was young, and gung ho pro-Israel in that common, Reagan-era way. I have a somewhat more nuanced take now-

    I get annoyed when Canadian Tories refer to Israel as an ally, indeed a major ally of Canada. No. We have no alliance, by which I mean military commitments to one another. Nor have we ever had, nor should. Canada would have no interest, Israel no need. We have fought no wars as allies. It’s not as bad as commentators who for a while tried to present the Kurds as “allies of Canada”, nowhere near as bad. Still, we are not allies.

    I’d think similarly if I were American. We’d actually BE allies, but I’d actually notice that it is one way. That Israel is a real country that acts on its own interests and looks out for number one. I would too. Still, that saw them sell American secrets to the Russians at least once. It saw them maintain an espionage operation in the US military. It saw them shoot up a US vessel in international waters. I’d wince at super pro-Israel entertainment like much of NCIS.

    At any rate, the US and Israel are allies, in a one-sided way. Canada and Israel are just friendly countries with normal diplomatic and commercial relations. I’m not convinced either owes Israel a blank check for anything.

    I know that the Jews were there long ago. [Leave aside their own mythohistory about how they got in]. I know their genetics show they have deep Canaanite ancestry. They are the Israelites. I also know the overwhelming majority Ashkenazi are half European Italic from a circa 5th century founder event. And I know the Jews who were left, many having left not by choice, were a tiny minority for 2000 years. So, some complexity. I know the Palestinians, like all the peoples of the Arab world outside the peninsula, are mostly the heirs of Semitic peoples who were there before the Arab conquests, in the Palestinians’ case a lot of Canaanite. This too is known. But I also know that they have a dose of peninsular Arabic, and that, just as Jews came back in numbers in the late Ottoman era, so many Arabs from Syria moved in in that time. So some of their deep ancestry is maybe Aramaic or other, and not so closely tied to the lands west of the Jordan. So I get all that complexity.

    On the other hand, Israel is still the country and society in the Middle East most like my own and like the countries and societies of my country’s actual allies. The only one in the region. Nearest other wouldn’t pop up until one hits Greece. When it comes down to it, alliances, history, and universal values still play a lot lesser role in these things than “Hey, those guys are a lot like me, and those guys aren’t.” I happen to admit it. It’s still true for most other people I’ve ever met. So I credit Israel that.

    I also know exactly how I’d act in their place, and it would be a lot worse than anything they have ever done, and with fewer moral qualms than their entire nation has ever felt, and not a wink of lost sleep. So I try not to be a hypocrite in judging them. I’d have already done everything they’ve ever been accused of, long ago and cheerfully.

    And I remember who the Palestinians are. Sure, their leaders. But the leaders they have followed pretty blithely for nearly a century. Never mind the Transjordan question. It’s not invalid but I agree it is tendentious.

    3/4 of the cisJordanian mandate wasn’t enough in 1937. They could have had a territorial position as good as what Israel won in battle in 1948. Not good enough. Had to choose to wage war on the British and the Jews to drive the latter into the sea and the former out. Didn’t win.

    Half the mandate wasn’t good enough in 1948. [That’s how it works- choose war, lose, get offered less next time.] They could have had an equal position to the Jews. Not good enough. Had to choose to wage war or, rather, sit around and hope the Arab powers would win a war for them. Didn’t work. The Arab powers turned in a reasonable performance tactically but given the odds there should have been in their favour, they proved laughable champions. Lost again.

    Around this time they started calling themselves Palestinians. Fine. Could have demanded a state in the West Bank and Gaza, with East Jerusalem, what they now claim their capital demand, from Egypt and Jordan. Didn’t. And of course those powers would never have given it to them because they never liked them anyway. Still. Didn’t rise up against them.

    They might have had less of a chance, but they could have asked for a state in WB and Gaza, MINUS Jerusalem [remember- lose war, get less applies to Palestinians as to all other nations] even from Israel in late June 1967 and might have gotten it if they’d said that was the whole demand, and they recognized Israel as a Jewish state. Not good enough.

    At this point they decided to take up terrorism. No doubt realizing that 1948 had been their last plausible chance to face the Jews at even odds in open battle, like men. Fair enough. Did they limit themselves to campaigning against Israel, in Israel, maybe against military, police, government targets? The sort of thing even the Taliban [mostly] did? Nope. Straight for civilians.

    And more, they decided to start killing Europeans in European cities and hijacking Western airliners full of Western countries’ citizens. And they decided to cooperate with European animals like the IRA, Red Brigades, Baader-Meinhof [RAF]. And they decided to take Russian money, Russian arms, and Russian advice in doing all this, and so aligning themselves in the Cold War with the West’s enemies. The Israelis are limited allies at best. The Palestinians elected to be our enemies. I’m old enough to remember them as that. The Jews’ time as terrorists was short, and they limited their efforts to the territory under contest or to a couple of British military and diplomatic targets elsewhere. Even back then, no Jew detonated bombs in restaurants or nightclubs in Europe, hijacked a Western airliner, or tortured and murdered Western nationals.

    Let me stress that. The Israelis were never allies of most of the west, and mainly took in their alliance with the US. But they were never enemies. The Palestinians sided with and became the West’s enemies. For perfectly rational if poorly weighed reasons. Enemies, even so.

    And, they even have the gall to this very day at every protest I have ever heard, including the one in Ottawa tonight, to rally around their maximalist, genocide-essentialist claim of all the land from the river to the sea. They insist on a right of return never before guaranteed to any refugee population. They think themselves special. They insist on all the land, every inch. Learning nothing since 1937.

    In the end, there are these points:

    1. If they want a better deal, harness Palestine’s community of genius physicists, invent time travel, and go back and accept the Peel plan. It was great. Oh, wait, Palestine doesn’t invest any time in science education except bomb chemistry.
    2. Win in battle against Israel as though your ‘fighters’ were men, and not merely rapists and torturers. The skills shown in part of the recent operation were impressive. Do that against proper military targets. Again, like men.
    3. Either way, stop protesting in my country. If Palestine is your country, go there. I have wearied of you for over 40 years and I’m especially tired of you blocking my streets. Any military age male Palestinian ‘Canadian’ is welcome to go. I will pay increased taxes to have the Crown cover your fares. You will not be readmitted. Actually, you probably would be, but not by any choice of mine.

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