The Climate of Opinion

by Carl Nelson

Throughout my college years the two political crises played out were Vietnam and Watergate.  Though Conservative Light at the time, I still generally held the views prominent in what then were what we now call the Legacy Media. Vietnam seemed an interminable quagmire, one which was costing thousands of American lives and millions of American dollars, and couldn’t be won.  This was because Vietnam was essentially a “civil war” in which we were unwelcome, and because it was a guerrilla war whose enemy troops could “keep fighting underground for another 20 years” (Arthur Schlesinger, Jr.).  And Watergate seemed a simple case of an Administration breaking the law in burglarizing the offices of its opposition, and impeachment was a reasonable course.

Fifty years later, and three years past the 2020 election fraud, I now view the events of my college years and current events as portrayed by these same legacy media in a rearview light entirely different.

As we now know, North Vietnamese Communist leaders in Hanoi had virtually the same military evaluation of the Tet Offensive as American leaders in Washington – namely, that it was an overwhelming defeat for the Communist guerillas.  The Communists’ political success consisted precisely in the fact that media outlets like the New York Times  declared their military offensive successful.  The Wall Street Journal likewise rejected the Johnson administration’s contention that the Tet  offensive was a “last gasp” of the Communist Vietcong movement in South Vietnam.”  – Thomas Sowell, Pg.  344, “Intellectuals and Society”

In fact, the Tet offensive, which marked a huge political win for the Viet Cong in the Legacy Media’s misrepresentation, was actually a huge Viet Cong defeat, with the loss of “at least a million troops killed” and the loss of recruitment.  However, “In a democracy, believe that a war is unwinnable, that can make it unwinnable” (Thomas Sowell).  The political climate in the U S made it impossible both to continue the military exercises and supply needed to cement the victory. South Vietnam surrendered in 1975.

Likewise, the Watergate burglary has since appeared to involve very little burglary and very much a deep state coup.  A President pushed out of office over a burglary he had no knowledge of and during which nothing of note was taken but in regards to which the President defended his office ‘improperly’, it appeared, to what was essentially a fishing expedition.  In my present rearview mindset it more represented Joseph Stalin’s NKVD Leader Laverntiy Beria’s famous boast, “Show me the man and I’ll show you the crime.”  In this case, the man was an American President.  As Trump would later say, “They’re not after me.  They’re after you.  I’m just in the way.”

The heavy, censorious hand of the Progressive Left has only gotten more visible of late.  The tide of concealment is out so far that it appears all is a vast plain of muckish corruption and Democratic fraud.  But neither party is trustworthy.  Vote Republican but vet your candidate for RINO skin.  Our institutions crumple as if made of paper blown asunder by a snowflake’s puff.  Arguing your position with the other side doesn’t appear to work. It only angers relatives, friends, etc.  We end up causing more schisms among ourselves than converts from the opposition.

One thing however is plain.

Our opponent conducts faux ‘debate’.   The Left instead concentrates upon creating a climate of opinion which will not allow alternate arguments.  5th generational warfare, as it is termed.

Probably the most effective thing we can do as individuals (according to Robert Malone) is to casually drop pieces of (cancelled) information and insights into conversation at the supermarket, gas station, post office, school meetings, local gatherings, etc.  We must begin our offensive at ground level in the local community in which our strengths lie.

For example, as per an excellent bit of advice from a Quora writer, Matthew Bates, I now begin my debate rejoinders with the caveat, “In my experience…”  And in my poems and essays, I no longer begin my work as framed by the ‘intellectual climate’, but as framed by my personal and local experience.  References in the expert literature are as references to these.  As my sister’s first husband once remarked, “Once they’ve fired off and used up all their fancy weaponry, war always comes down to one soldier beating on the head of the other with a rock.”  It is so true of politics likewise.  And with this ‘homespun’ technology (experience is at least plentiful as rocks) we can personally begin the war to get our nation back  –  in the neighborhood near you at a time like now.  (Does that sound scary?  Then you are on target.)

So, I recently, sent off for two bright red MAGA caps.  One for myself, I figured, and perhaps one for the wife.  But the wife demurred.  And they sent me four.  All for the best, I figured, as I placed the first one squarely on my head and left to do the grocery shopping today.

This is just showing the flag, a bit of climate adjustment, nothing confrontational – though I am open to conversation. “Conversation and discussing matters with my neighbors can improve matters… in my experience.”  And if it doesn’t?  Well, that may be an improvement.

MAGA caps are just a bit less common in these parts than the Confederate flag. Not that the sentiments don’t bend Conservative in Southeast Ohio, but politics is generally something not touted here nor discussed flagrantly.  Nevertheless, things went better than I’d have feared.  I passed unremarked.  Shop girls seemed a bit more attending. (Perhaps the feminine impulse is to head off controversy with a smile.)  And the only eyeball I got was from the most successful appearing older man in the store who passed wearing an Ohio State sweatshirt.  But with an older person, you can never be sure what the frown means.  Our aspects tend that way.

So, the takeaways:

The Left does not debate genuinely nor operate frankly.  They silence argument by controlling the climate of opinion.  Debate will not change the climate of opinion.  Op-eds that are controlled by the climate of opinion cannot change it.  And leadership necessarily follows the climate of opinion, rather than leading it.  So, it is up to us.  What will ‘change’ the climate of opinion is a frank demonstration that the climate of opinion actually favors yourself.  Nothing causes rats to leave like sinking their ship.  Americans love traditional American values.  What else makes us who we are?  That is, and always will be, the true climate of opinion.

We are in a war.  And the war is being fought in the very places our lives are being led.  How do you know who the enemy is?  Just try speaking up for traditional values, and they’ll come out of the bushes to try and stop you.  Freedom of speech is how you know an American.  All others are collaborators and quislings.  Call them on it.  There are far more of us, than them.  And we’re far tougher.


7 Responses

  1. Well said. Simply, tersely, truly, as completely as necessary.
    These days, as in 1776, freedom of speech in the public arena, needs to be
    coupled to courage. Those who signed the DoI knew they might be signing their lives away as they gave sway to their personal sense of honor.
    How will we be remembered?

  2. That’s an excellent observation. An open, in-you-face declaration of views works differently things for different audiences, and in a positive way: to firm ideological opponents it signals that their argument fails to convince and erodes their confidence; to the undecided it offers a further reminder of your position; and it reminds those of the same frame of mind that they have allies and there is no need to give up the good fight. All those are positives. An A+ essay indeed!

  3. This is a well written heartfelt article, with an almost nineteenth century American letter feel to it, the kind of thing we read about in Civil War letters. The author, in his writing, mirrors what he recommends in his conversations. He is correct. Once must start from the ground up. I do it all the time, for example “My experience of twice working for the UN is that it is cynical, corrupt and destructive.” Then I give other references and articles to read.

  4. Well done, Carl. I’ve yet to meet a progressive with an inclination to question the premises of their beliefs. Any that would have long ago drifted out of the camp that believes we can save the planet from CO2 while 3 billion people in SE Asia and South America are moving out of abject poverty and into the age of electricity and transportation. When it rains, it’s climate change. When it doesn’t rain, it’s climate change. And you can’t argue with that.

  5. Thank you all for your remarks. As a postscript, It just occurred to me that since the left tries to win an argument by claiming the climate of opinion, rather than to debate various points, it might would best to just say, “Nobody believes that anymore, do they?” Then talk about where the leading thought is going.

  6. Re “Robert Malone”

    “Caring” Dr. Malone (like Dr. Desmet etc) is controlled opposition, everyone can see that readily just read this and this and this and this and this He like Desmet are propagandizing distorted narratives of the whole truth — falsehoods and lies, essentially. Malone has been serving the criminal medical establishment for decades promoting their sick and destructive interests and agendas.

    He knew in 2019 (!!) that the “Spike Protein” is highly toxic yet he did nothing to prevent its inclusion in Covid jabs ( which is a form of lying by omission and worse … yet he is suing all sort of people ( and and for slandering him (when that slander is evidently only truths about him) and, topping it off, he said in one of his written pieces that he holds the health truth movement up to a higher standard. What a complete hypocrite, deceiver, and psychopath! From being silent and inert, from knowingly hiding life-saving information, to wanting to be the deserving self-entitled trustworthy leader in the truth movement.

    Eg, Malone is a co-developer of a toxic covid vaccine that “resulted in ACUTE LUNG INJURY in animal studies and introduce Aluminum (neurotoxin) directly into human cells” ( Now, suddenly, he wants you to believe he’s a saint, and on your side. NOT unlike Bill Gates, the psychopathic entrepreneur with huge vaccine business interests, who has been elevated, and propagandized, by “the science” leaders of the world to the status of “world’s top medical doctor” who’s fully entitled to tell everyone to get toxic Covid “vaccines” during the onset of this scamdemic. That last fact alone should totally convince you that the world is controlled by psychopaths instead of sane people.

    “All experts serve the state and the media and only in that way do they achieve their status. Every expert follows his master, for all former possibilities for independence have been gradually reduced to nil by present society’s mode of organization. The most useful expert, of course, is the one who can lie. With their different motives, those who need experts are falsifiers and fools. Whenever individuals lose the capacity to see things for themselves, the expert is there to offer an absolute reassurance.” —Guy Debord

    In one of this “expert” articles (“Groupthink: we are all victims”) his public misdirection, his disinformation is already evident in the title. His dissemination of the total lie of the public as “innocent victims” appeals of course to the public and their general dishonesty (which is a major reason he’s so liked and promoted everywhere as he panders to their selfish self-delusions) but it is a complete distortion of reality:

    Who do you think goes to war and does the killing (mindless immoral NON-innocent soldiers)?

    Who do you think murders and maims a massive amount of people with toxic Covid shots (mindless immoral NON-innocent doctors and nurses)?

    Who do you think wears useless Covid masks (or puts them on their kids) (mindless immoral NON-innocent people)?

    Who do you think trusts, follows, obeys, votes for, and does the dirty work for the governing authorities (mindless immoral NON-innocent people)?

    And on and on…

    Yes, the ruling authorities control brainwash you. BUT … the public does their bidding DESPITE that people know politicians lie to them all the time. There are TWO pink elephants in the room … and they are MARRIED and NEITHER is innocent at all ….

    “… doctors and scientists are now on the same lever of public confidence as the scum living in the swamp.” — Unknown in 2022

    “That’s the guy (=Malone) who tells you he invented the very same thing that has killed our children and parents and peoples, the guy who collects money off of that, begging you for your money and giving nothing in return, the guy who turns up to speeches with me and others and not once tells people what they wanted to hear, the guy who will be silent and come talk about horses and farms and European trips and junk, and you fail in interviews to ask the key questions. What was his role? What did he invent, as we can find no record of anything. If he did play a role, what can he tell us to have saved lives with the fraud gene shot? How to turn it off, how does it work if you invented it?” — Dr. Paul Alexander, January 2023 []

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