The Dangerous Slaves Of Allah We’ve Allowed In

Hollande calls for “national  unity” among all the people of France. What’s he talking about?  It’s the war of Islam, of those who take their Islam perfectly literally and straight up, undiluted by normal self-interest and impatient, and who instead of biding their time to allow demography to perform its secret ministry, are willing to act immediately, and with violence, on their beliefs. And many others who do not so participate quietly support them, or defend them openly, with all sorts of excuses and evasions and confusions. And the Western world is everywhere led by people who presume to protect and instruct others, but who do not protect, and do not instruct, and instead prosecute Geert Wilders, and belittle and misreresent Pegida, and mock UKIP, and try to arrest Paul Weston for quoting Churchill, and try to demonize everyone, no matter how sensible and measured, if they publicly express their well-justified alarm about Islam. And Muslims keep coming, and asking for “asylum” or  pretend-refugees (there’s a vast Muslim world where they could find, somewhere, a place) and breeding, and taking advantage of every conceivable misplaced act of Western generosity, costing schools and hospitals andd housing authorities and departments of justice and the prison system a fortune, at every step, and spreading the dangerous Word of Allah among the psychically marginal who thereby become much more dangerous to  everyone (prisons, where Muslims can intimidate others, is a perfect place for them to conduct Da’wa), and settling in, and building their mosques, and concealing as best they can their beliefs, their attitudes, and what is in the Qur’an, and the Hadith, and the Sira. And when they have to, when there is some particularly egregious attack, they offer crocodile tears and words of feigned sympathy and pretend-confusion (as no doubt is happening right now, after the Charlie Hebdo attack) and the idiotic assurance that “this has nothing to do with Islam.” The Islamic State has nothing to do with Islam. Those who destroyed the World Trade Center and attacked the Pentagon have nothiing to do with Islam. Those who attacked the London busses and Underground had nothing to Islam; those who seized the school in Beslan and the theatre in Moscow had nothing to do with Islam; those who attacked the Atocha subway station in Madrid had nothing to do with Islam. The Fort Hood shooter had nothing to do with Islam, the man who killed Theo van Gogh had nothing to do with Islam, the Mumbai killers had nothing to do with Islam, the mad-dog Uighurs who ran down tourists in Beijing, and slashed to death Chinese in several locations had nothing to do with Islam. The killer at the Jewish Museum in Brussels had nothing to do with Islam. Mohammed Merah had nothing to do with Islam. None of them,, ever, have anything to do with Islam. It never has anything to do with Islam.  What else do you have to know?