The Death Of British Democracy


“To put on the garment of legitimacy is the first aim of every coup.”

(Barbara Tuchman p. 399 ‘A Distant Mirror’ 1978.)


I have watched what has gone on in my country’s parliament with great sorrow but also with the most enormous feeling of anger. I am not alone most of the people whom I know are also furious and some could be described by that well-worn phrase “incandescent with rage.”

We have watched as the fascist, remainer MPs and Lords in parliament, aided by their Houses’ respective Speakers, have hijacked the governing processes and destroyed British democracy. They have plotted and executed a coup d’état, setting aside the legal government of the UK, wilfully and deliberately ignoring the provisions of the Constitution (yes, we do have one and no, it is not unwritten but it is scattered across many different documents), riding roughshod over customary parliamentary procedures and raising two fingers to the sovereignty of the people.

These elitist remainiacs have quite deliberately, and more than likely illegally, overturned the largest democratic mandate in UK history. Desperate to ignore and revile the colossal one point four million majority (on one of the biggest turnouts ever) in favour of leaving the EU they have decided there is no shenanigan too immoral and no political manoeuvre too low that they will refrain from using it.

We the people left unarmed, and therefore almost powerless, by near enough two centuries of interfering, busybody, left of centre governments have no effective way of staging a counter coup. Seething with rage all we can do is watch as these tyrants team up with their totalitarian overlords in Brussels in order to keep our country subjugated and subject to the authoritarian ways of these new continental Caesars.

As Brendan O’Neill, editor of ‘spiked’ and host of the ‘spiked’ podcast ‘The Brendan O’Neill Show’, put it in a recent article (here at ‘spiked):

“Think about what is happening here; think about the seriousness of it. These people – Remainer MPs and their cheerleaders in the legal, media and cultural elites – are preventing Boris Johnson from holding a democratic General Election. And they are forcing him, ‘on pain of imprisonment’, to enact something that nobody voted for and which opinion polls show that majorities of people are opposed to: the further delaying of Brexit. And they will not let the masses have any kind of say on any of this until they have secured – on pain of imprisonment – the PM’s surrender to their anti-democratic determination to keep us in the EU for a longer period of time.”

Mr. O’Neill goes on to say:

“The Remainer elite is holding the country to ransom. It is blocking a democratic election as it conspires with EU officials to force through another delay to Brexit. It is silencing the people as it stitches up our votes and our demands. This is the most anti-democratic moment in the history of the franchise in this country. It is now essential that we stop referring to the 21 ‘Tory rebels’ and other Remainers in parliament and in the media as ‘moderates’. Because there is nothing moderate about trying to overthrow the largest act of democracy this country has ever seen or about threatening with imprisonment a PM who refuses to facilitate this overthrow. That isn’t moderate – it is extremist, reactionary and dangerous. These people must be stopped as a matter of urgency. We need an election so that we can clear out this class of people who hold the rest of us and our democratic rights in such open contempt.”

In a separate article (also here at ‘spiked) Mr O’Neill puts into words the feeling about parliament that the majority of British voters are afraid to say out loud in case one of their fascist, remainer neighbours overhears them and becomes violent:

“This parliament doesn’t only feel morally and politically exhausted – it feels increasingly illegitimate.” [My emphasis.]


“They have to go. They have no idea how much contempt the public feels for them.”

However, the totalitarian MPs and Lords who have seized control of my country’s law making assembly are not alone. They are aided and abetted by an activist left-wing fascist judiciary. Most of the members of the legal establishment were appointed to their posts not only because they were highly academically qualified but also because they toed the left-wing’s loony line in almost every respect: sod the victim, think of the perp. What is more, most, if not all, of the judges have been appointed by previous governments of a left-wing persuasion. It is plain to see that almost all judicial appointments over the last thirty years have been made not just on the basis of the candidates’ legal competence but have also included a conscious, or subconscious, predilection for candidates whose thought processes were “woke” and “politically correct.”

We no longer have a judiciary capable of rational independent thought but one whose very nature is by inclination anti-democratic and law-twisting – more worried about the criminal than about the preyed upon. Not only that, members of this corrupt and inefficient legal system believe that they have a right to interfere in politics in a judicial way – to tell the government and parliament what they must do on pain of legal sanctions. This move, like the people engaged in it, is reprehensible, opprobrious and authoritarian in the extreme. This behaviour is exactly what the EU court indulges in and it is now being copied by that court’s loyal lackeys in the UK. Please have  a read of Luke Gittos’s article here.

I remember that the socialist politician the late Tony Benn (I was never a supporter of but that doesn’t mean that he didn’t make sense on rare occasions despite being a woolly headed socialist) once declared that there were five questions that should be asked of any government or governing institution such as the EU, namely:

1. What power have you got?

2. Where did you get it from?

3. In whose interests do you exercise it?

4. To whom are you accountable?

5. How can we get rid of you?

The answers to those five questions when asked of the EU are profoundly abhorrent. When they are asked of the current UK parliament the answers are equally as execrable. The British people were well aware of the autocratic nature of the EU and that’s why they voted to leave that corrupt and decadent institution. Now they are getting a lesson about the fascist and despotic nature of the UK elite and they are seeing exactly how that elite views them, and also how the so-called “upper echelon” kow-tow to the oligarchs in Brussels.

Do read both of Mr. O’Neill’s articles as they sum up what most of us are thinking. But remember one thing: when the wishes of a population are disregarded and ridiculed by an arrogant elite who believe they have a right to rule then rebellion is never far away – and revolution rides on rebellion’s coat-tails. The talk in the UK at the moment is of civil disobedience but any intelligent person knows that that is just one step away from open insurrection.

Being cheated out of Brexit by the so-called elite and then being denied our right to express our opinion at a general election by the same people is the very scenario that is calculated to make the voters extremely angry. That anger could, and very likely will, spill over into much, much more than mere civil disobedience.

I am exceedingly angry but I am also very worried.




2 Responses

  1. Thank you, NER, for publishing this op-ed. The pro-Brexit point of view is rarely presented in the American news media, even in conservative publications. Unfortunately, the EU and supporting native quislings habitually overturn or ignore national referendums throughout Europe that produce the wrong result.

  2. I agree.
    However, I am not worried nor am I angry. The truth is I am glad for every foul step they take for each injustice they commit they are bringing about their own ruin. May, Hammond, Blair, Major, Grieve, Cooper and Bercow. The common thread is that they are all part of an elite, arrogant, political caste that has come to a head because reform is long overdue.
    I am convinced we shall have our turn, we shall have our opportunity to repay this abuse of power, relax, smile and take note this farce is the final act of a corrupt system and it will have to answer to the electorate at some point.

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