The Dog that didn’t (and won’t) Bark

While we’re all waiting for the massive demonstrations of Muslims against terrorism carrying signs saying “Not in Our Name,” “Muslim Mothers Against Hamas,” and things like that, it might be a good time to pick up a copy of The Islam in Islamic Terrorism by Koranic scholar, Ibn Warraq, which was banned on Amazon or perhaps a copy of the The Quran Speaks by Bahis Sedq for Muslims who might feel the need to take a second look at their religion after recent events.

After all, we’ve been told over and over again how the supporters of terrorism are just a teeny tiny fraction of the Muslim population, right?  Aren’t moderate Muslims the solution?


7 Responses

  1. I’ve not read the suggested texts, my fault.
    I have read of those innocents who suffered, who bled at the hands of fanatical fiends.
    I speak up agaínst the rip-tides of misinformation.
    I am not innocent, I am driven by guilt of inadequate effort and excess moralising.
    How are you doing?

  2. ” Aren’t moderate Muslims the solution?”

    Yes, if there were any, but there are not. If they are moderate and live in a Muslim country they must be quiet. If they live in Western country they must be quiet.

    If they leave Islam they can be murdered hence moderate Muslims are useless.

  3. You are Christian. Instinctively you realize that to engage in murder, looting, torture, terror, rape, slaughter and pedophilia would be to go against every teaching of your Lord. A Muslims doing those things would be emulating their holy prophet. The whole of the sane world realizes that there is no accommodation with Islam. Galt is correct in his understanding of the moderate Muslim.

  4. What was the education of the humane Muslim leader Abdul Ghaffar Khan, ally of Mahatma Gandhi?
    Is his kind, his attitude, his ability to imbue decency in his Muslim followers still teachable?

  5. “Moderate” has no real meaning. It is subjective. If one chooses not to adhere to the doctrine then they are apostates. Whether is be Nazism, Communism. or Communism with a God (Islam), evil must first abuse and change the meaning of words, to corrupt language.

  6. @DB: Perhaps.
    Moderate means somewhere between extremes. Life, death, sleep, wakefulness, rage, calm are extremes.
    ‘Choose your spectra and your positions in them, and don’t abuse.’

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