The Epithets Used To Misinform, And Blacken The Name Of PEGIDA
PEGIDA is “anti-immigrant.” No, it isn’t. PEGIDA is against more, and yet more, Muslim immigrants. It would probably welcome non-Muslim immigrants, such as those unemployed young people from Italy, Greece, Spain who are suffering so much. It would welcome non-Muslim immigrants from Mexico, and Brazil — or isn’t that diversity enough for those who attack PEGIDA.
PEGIDA is “nationalistic.”
No, it isn’t. PEGIDA’s members are against the “islamisierung Europas” They are against the “islamisation” not of Germany alone, but of Europe. They are as fearful of the islamisation of France and Italy, of the Netherlands and Denmark.
PEGIDA is “right-wing” or, more often, “far-right
What entitles anyone to use this epithet, for PEGIDA, for Geert Wilders, for Nigel Farage and UKIP? What are the other issues that these leaders, or these movements, are for that makes them “right-wing” or “far-right”? Do they wish to cut benefits or do they decry the cuts in social benefits? No, they wish to raise those benefits, especially aid for the elderly, but are aware that all these cuts in aid to the elderly, and to others among the indigenous population, are a result of the diversion of resources made necessarily by the influx of Muslim — not Chinese, not Hindu, not Sikh, not Andean Indians, only Muslims — the huge sums being taken in by Muslim immigrants, who have the highest rates of unemployment and of crime, and also make the largest demands, with the fantastic outbreeding of the locals, on the health and education systems. Furthermore, the gigantic amounts of money spent on security — on guards at every square and plaza and major boulevard or avenue, outside synagogues and churches, and Jewish schools and Christian schools, and places of symbolic importance (the Eiffel Tower, Les Invalides, Notre-Dame, Le Pont Neuf,, and dozens of others in Paris alone, and just as many throughout France, and throughout all European countries), at airports, train stations, on the Metro, and now kosher markets, and the editorial offices of newspapers and magazines, and the headquarters of television channels, and police stations, and… — a list that will never contract, and can only expand. All over the Western world, in addition to the three trillion dollars spent, idiotically, in Iraq and Afghanistan, and the tens of billions spent on foreign aid to Pakistan, to Jordan, to Egypt, to Algeria, to Morocco, to Tunisia, to the “Palestinians” in Gaza and the “West Bank,” the other transfer of wealth, aside from the nearly $25 trillion that has gone to Muslim members of OPEC since 1973 alone, has been within European countries, in free health care and education, and housiing, and family allowances. It’s crazy. It can’t go on. And there is nothing at all “right-wing” or “far-right” about those who oppose the continued drain on resources that automatically result when Muslims in large numbers are allowed in to non-Musiim lands.
PEGIDA is “suppported by neo-Nazis”.
To most of us, the defining characteristic of neo-Nazis is their chilling antisemitism. When the members of PEGIDA hold up signs about the need to preserve the “Judeo-Christian” heritage of the West, are they being antisemitic? When Thilo Sarrazin writes his “Germany Undoes Itself” and in that book, deplores the low IQ of the Muslim immigrants and claims they bring down the cultural level of everything, and at the same time he says he would welcome more Jewish immigrants, and then his remarks are reported in the Western press as containing “anti-Muslim and anti-Jewish sentiments” — the same Thilo Sarrazin who is one of the figures to whom PEGIDA surely looks — one realizes that the charge of deliberate bad faith on the part of that misreporting press is far too mild.