by Rebecca Bynum (February 2015)
If the Pope will not speak for Jesus, who will?
Does not the Papacy exists to represent Christ on earth, to point to him and give the world his words? Yet, on January 15, 2015, just one week after the horrendous massacre of cartoonists at the Charlie Hebdo offices in Paris, Pope Francis (whose predecessors would certainly have been more circumspect) chose cleverness and personal vanity before his primary pontifical duty. Said the Pope, “one cannot make fun of faith” and that anyone who throws insults can expect a “punch.” more>>>
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4 Responses
Rebecca’s essay is incisive. revealing, and a devastating indictment of the media and the Vatican which have elevated the “humble” baby-kissing Pope Francis into a rock star who yet found the most important message to emanate from the murderous attacks of the jihadists in Paris – an appeal not to be critical of Islam (which he compared to insulting words against his mother) punching . She rightly contrasts this with how the same media ignored Pope Benedict whose Regensburg speech was a clear warning to the West not to absolved Islam from its 1400 year history of violence – Din Muhammad bi-saif (The Judgment of Muhammad is by the sword).
Is this the Rebecca from Sunnybrook Farm? It was, after all, Catholics, not Protestants, who beat the Muslims at Vienna on September 11, 1683. Now, our marxists…some of them Hebdo cartoonists…have emasculated the Catholic Church through state action. It may be legislation or decrees by judges, but the moral law upon which Western civilization was built is all gone. Catholics no longer have armies; our atheistic governments do. The bigger question is why the dying West started a war in Iraq that set Islam aflame Our “secular humanist” governments broke the Ummah and now own it.
Paddy is right; the Catholic armies and navies under the leadership of Don Juan of Austria defeated the Moslem onslaught on Europe at Lepanto. The pope at that time encouraged the Catholic/European cause with a call for Catholics to pray the Rosary, the anniversary of this battle is now the Catholic feast of the Holy Rosary. Francis is not in league with the popes who sought to defend Christendom. We have had many different popes over our two thousand year history, some were downright evil, some were holy sainted men and some we were downright silly seekers of rock star fame. Francis seems to want to be a rock star and has chosen to leave his sheep unprotected from the wolves. He is a great pope according to the American LGBT groups and the American pagan media but to the faithful he is more than a great disappointment; he is a failed shepherd. God bless Pope Benedict XVI our true Pontiff.
Well said Rebecca and Norman. This Pope suffers from both legal and moral deficits. He, like those who would support his stand on moral equivalence and retribution are wrong. Revenge, no matter the provocation, is never protected in the law, nor any civilized moral code. See Francis Bacon on the subject.
Justifying terror, jihad, or Islamofascism based on real or imagined injuries or provocations is the same “justification” used for honor killings, rape, and summary executions. No priest with a high school education should attempt to justify lynch mobs and vigilante justice. This vicar of Christ has been captured by the victimology so pervasive in much of the civilized world these days.