The FBI Killing Of Craig Robertson Is A Wakeup Call To Gun Owners

by Armando Simón

Craig Robertson was a Utah man killed by numerous FBI agents during a surprise raid. The raid was conducted because of his implied or direct threats towards Pseudo-President Biden and others. Robertson owned several guns.

I will not dwell on whether the alleged threats were sufficient for a raid, especially when the numerous threats to kill Trump were overlooked by the corrupt FBI during and after his presidency. Nor will I dwell on whether the shooting was justified, or sufficient self-identification by the authorities were given. Such points are moot for the deceased, just as any objections became moot after the Waco massacre.

The point I want to make is that it is high time that the Second Amendment gun nuts to pry their heads out from where the sun doesn’t shine. Robertson’s murder should serve as a reality check.

Before you arch your back, I am not for gun control and I am not against owning guns, though I don’t own any and have no desire to do so. But I want to take a sledgehammer to the delusions that the 2A gun nuts embrace so fervently.

And, at this point, to establish my credentials so there will not be any doubt where my allegiance lies at, I would like to point to dozens and dozens of articles where I damn liberals/Democrats/communists (they’re all the same) for their relentless hatred of America and their desire to establish a bizarre communist utopia, in the process erasing the Constitution, free speech, and the Supreme Court – not to mention masculinity. Also, having come from Cuba my hostility toward communists has no bounds.

But I have also criticized conservatives – harshly – on several occasions for their uninterrupted string of defeats due to their laziness, their lack of cojones, their inability to organize and proselytize, their mutual backstabbing, and, what angers conservatives the most, their stupidity. Nor am I the only one who has pointed out the same and that the reason the communists have gotten this far is the fault of conservatives.

Here, I want to zero in on one particular group of conservatives, the 2A gun nuts. The Robertson killing should be a wake-up call for them.

Anyone who has spent any time around them will have heard their ominous, strutting, comment “They’ll take away my guns from my cold, dead, hands.”

Oh, they will, baby! They will!

This asinine braggadocio is a verbal expression of delusions that gun owners have. Some believe that if the authorities come to take their guns, all they have to do is brandish their little popgun and the authorities will flee in panic. Others believe that there will be a shootout wherein the authorities will fire 6,000 rounds and miss while he fires one round and 18 opponents fall down. Still others seem to believe that once the gun owner shows his weapon, the authorities will vanish in a puff of smoke. And, of course, still others think that there will be a standoff lasting for days, weeks, months, at which point the authorities will get bored and go home and watch the football game.

The harsh reality is that if and when the government decides to seize your guns, it will be sudden, it will be unexpected, it will strike with overwhelming force, it will be accompanied by a confusing cacophony and, before you get the words, “What the f-!” you will be riddled with bullets.

Not to mention the fact there have been a number of instances where the police went to gun owners and asked them to hand in their weapons, whereupon they did.

Gun owners are in denial.

The Reasons For Owning Guns

The rationale for owning guns is twofold. One is personal protection, either at home or outside their domicile. Well and good. Lots of admirable examples where that has happened, although there should be more in regard to the businesses that are being looted by ghetto trash.

The second reason is that, supposedly, a citizenry that is armed is a deterrent to a tyrannical government, and should a government become tyrannical the armed citizens will correct matters. This is also a point of faith with gun owners. Some even go so far as to don camo and go out in groups into the wilderness to play at being resistance warriors in anticipation, unaware of the fact that a quarter of their militia members are FBI agent provocateurs (you can always tell which ones they are because they mouth off as the most radical).

love to mock these people with the question:

“Oh, really? What … exactly … are you waiting for? Your children are being indoctrinated into hating white people and into becoming homosexuals and transgenders. The news outlets are propaganda peddlers. Elections are fraudulent. There is censorship everywhere about everything including comedy. Christians are being persecuted. Dissenters are being physically assaulted or jailed. We have political prisoners. The economy is being destroyed. Churches are being desecrated. Statues are being overturned. History is being falsified. Science is being corrupted. The government has imposed unnecessary lockdowns. Our national border has been erased. The military is being indoctrinated. The FBI is becoming another Stasi. Our military stockpile has either been abandoned in Afghanistan or given away to Ukraine. A crime family similar to the Borgias are in the White House. So what … exactly … are you waiting for? You don’t even have to go head-to-head with the authorities, you can target individuals: Mayorkas, Joy Behar, Cuomo. Or you can start locally.”

I just love their stupefied faces. Their faces just go blank as cognitive dissonance takes hold of them. I just love doing that.

Dear esteemed members of the FBI death squads: I am not advocating revolt or assassination; I am simply deflating gun owners’ bombastic delusions. Nor am I claiming that President Biden is in the White House through voter fraud, nor has taken numerous bribes, nor that his son is anything but an upstanding citizen.

All hail our glorious FBI!

One last point, whether or not you own one of those little popguns: Don’t make threats. Making threats is the height of stupidity, whether they are verbal, on the internet, or through the mail.

Not to mention it can get you killed.

First published in Issues and Insights.

Armando Simón is originally from Cuba, a retired psychologist, author of “The Only Red Star I Liked Was a Starfish” and “The U.”