The Iconoclast

Nice Guy Shoots Himself In The Foot: Pope Francis On The Mocking Of Faith

January 15, 2015
Hugh Fitzgerald

Here.. The Pope, with his ready smile, his obvious modesty, his refusal of every sort of pomp and his dislike of exalted  solitude (he has chosen to live not in […]

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Iraqis Upset Americans Don’t Do Even More Of The Fighting For Them

January 15, 2015
Hugh Fitzgerald

Apparently with more than a half-million men under arms, outfitted with tens of billions of dollars in American equipment, the Iraqi Arabs — the Kurds are fighting and not complaining […]

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Pope Francis Defends Islamic Violence

January 15, 2015
Rebecca Bynum

Shameful, un-Jesusonian remarks from Peter’s successor.

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Paris gunman ‘bought weapons in Belgium’

January 15, 2015
Esmerelda Weatherwax
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Boko Haram ‘killed woman in labour’ during attack: Amnesty

January 15, 2015
Esmerelda Weatherwax
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Glenn Greenwald Outraged By The "Double Standard"

January 15, 2015
Hugh Fitzgerald
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No! You Can’t Murder Our Freedom – The Berliner Kurier

January 15, 2015
Rebecca Bynum

Muhammad bathing in blood – this makes the point.

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Policewoman ‘deliberately’ hit by car in central Paris as suspects remain on run

January 15, 2015
Esmerelda Weatherwax

From the Mirror A POLICE officer has been “deliberately” hit by a car in Paris, French media have reported. The motorist ‘intentionally’ drove into the policewoman – injuring her outside the […]

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Chant à Sainte Jeanne d’Arc

January 15, 2015
Christina McIntosh

Hugh drew our attention, earlier, to the singing of the La Marseillaise in the Assemblee Nationale. That is the France we all know, modern France, the France of revolution and […]

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Mustafa Akyol, Disingenuous And Dangerous

January 14, 2015
Hugh Fitzgerald

Here he offers the soothing views of a putative brave critic of how Islam’s rules on blasphemy are currently understood, and he calls for Muslim clerics to speak out against […]

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Ivan Rioufol: Starting To Come Closer To Calling Things Rightly —

January 14, 2015
Hugh Fitzgerald

Here. Rioufol is pleased with Valls’; speech, though it did not name — at this point it will have to be others to do it — Islam but only “radical […]

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An Open Letter To The President Of France From General Antoine Martinez

January 14, 2015
Hugh Fitzgerald

Published on December 30, 2014. Here.  

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Manuel Valls On Antisemitism, Security, And What Is Owed The Jews Of France

January 14, 2015
Hugh Fitzgerald

From the speech of Manuel Valls at the Assemblee Natinale, January 13, 2015:   Le premier sujet qu’il faut aborder clairement, c’est la lutte contre l’antisémitisme. L’histoire nous l’a montré, […]

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There Is A Tide In The Affairs Of Men

January 14, 2015
Hugh Fitzgerald

The tide of illegal immigrants — many of the Muslims fleeing the permanent mess of Muslim lands,  but bringing with them Islam, the cause of that mess — has become […]

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Some Moments of Moral Clarity from Brendan O’Neill, in The Australian: We Should be Worrying About the Safety of Jews Rather Than Of Muslims

January 14, 2015
Christina McIntosh

One of the better opinion pieces to have appeared in the Aussie press in the immediate wake of the murderous Muslim ghazi raids on Charlie Hebdo and on the kosher […]

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In At Least 200 Schools, Muslims Refused To Observe, And Disrupted, The Moment Of Silence

January 14, 2015
Hugh Fitzgerald


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