The Iconoclast

Michele Tribalat: Not So Fast, Not Everyone Has The Right To Say "I Am Charlie"

January 11, 2015
Hugh Fitzgerald

Here. The relentless intelligent alarmed-by-Islam researcher on immigration and demography Michele Tribalat notes the hypocrisy of those, Muslim and non-Muslim, who over the years kept making charges of “islamophobia” and […]

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Abbas Nauséabonde

January 11, 2015
Hugh Fitzgerald

The man who has named squares and plazas after the worst of terrorist killers of Jews, people who could have given tuition to Colibaly, and who have killed plenty of […]

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German Newspaper that Reprinted Muhammad Cartoons Firebombed

January 11, 2015
Rebecca Bynum

The Guardian: A German newspaper that reprinted the Muhammad cartoons from the French satirical paper Charlie Hebdo has been the target of an arson attack. “Rocks and then a burning […]

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Putting On A Show For Foreigners In Ramallah: Tens — Tens! — Of "Palestinians" Show "Solidarity" With France

January 11, 2015
Hugh Fitzgerald

But they got their desired headline, and now can refer to all those “Palestinians” who “stood with France,” just like Mahmoud Abbas today, on the grands boulevards:   Des Palestiniens […]

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When I Questioned the History of Muhammad

January 11, 2015
Rebecca Bynum

British scholar

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Barry Shaw: "Kristallnacht for French Jews"

January 11, 2015
Jerry Gordon

  Hostages fleeing Hyper Cacher Jewish Super market  Jihadi attack in Paris 1-9-15  3PM today, a massive rally will be held  under tight security in Paris in solidarity with the […]

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Geert Wilders interviewed on the terror attacks in France: “Its only the beginning, it will get far more worse.”

January 11, 2015
Jerry Gordon

Hon.  Geert Wilders, The Freedom Party (PVV), The Netherlands   Nicolai Sennels, Danish psychologist and NER contributor of Muslims and Westerners: The Psychological Differences .. posted  on 10,  this SUN-TV […]

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The Tree is Known by Its Fruit – Maher Echoes Jesus

January 11, 2015
Rebecca Bynum

Late-night talk show host Bill Maher responded on Friday to the Paris terror attacks by saying, “When there’s this many bad apples, there’s something wrong with the orchard.”  

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Listen to Lisa Benson Show 1-11-15 at 3PM & 8PM EST 10PM Israel: Islamic Terror Our Reality

January 11, 2015
Jerry Gordon
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Bomb strapped to girl ‘about 10 years old’ kills 19 in Maiduguri, north-eastern Nigeria

January 11, 2015
Esmerelda Weatherwax


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Charles Martel dit ‘Je suis Charlie’

January 11, 2015
Christina McIntosh

Poitiers/ Tours 732.  Resisting the Jihad.    

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Joe Sacco Finds A Way To Justify The Killers Of The Charlie Hebdo Cartoonists

January 10, 2015
Hugh Fitzgerald

Here. It was bad taste, you see, for those cartoons ever to have been published, especially at this moment in history– why, just look around Europe, look around the world […]

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The Scandal At The Lancet: Why Is Richard Horton Still There?

January 10, 2015
Hugh Fitzgerald

An NGO’s study of what The Lancet publishes about Israel and the Arabs, and whether or not these pieces (and a letter by two antisemitic conspiracy-theorists who are admirers of […]

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Danish Psychiatrist Henrik Day Poulsen: Jihadis Are Not Psychopaths But Merely True Believers

January 10, 2015
Hugh Fitzgerald

The Jihad, or struggle, using whatever instruments prove most effective at the time and place, to remove all obstacles to the spread of Islam,until everywhere Islam dominates, and Muslims rule, […]

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Two Comic Pieces At Al-Jazeera By Khaled Diab And Abdullah Al-Arian

January 10, 2015
Hugh Fitzgerald

The first, by one Khaled Diab, attempts to convince us, through a series of ludicrous assertions – readers are invited to find and list them in the comments section below […]

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Spanish Vignettes Chosen for University of California Summer Program

January 10, 2015
Joel Hirst

Dr. Berdichevsky’s book

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