The Iconoclast
From Cherkanov To Al-Tajiki — Slowly Self-Poisoned By Ever-Higher Doses Of Islam
Greedy Professor Jonathan Gruber Bills And Overbills
If he did this with the State of Vermont, what has he done with the other states he’s billed? And what about the bills to the Federal Government? Just how […]
The Case of the Dishonorable Roland Dumas
To offend one group of people may be regarded as carelessness; to offend two at the same time looks like self-inflicted misfortune. The 92 year-old French Socialist politician and lawyer, […]
Riposte Laique: Qu’ils Fassent Leur Hijra
Here. The hijra is the migration from lands controlled by the Unbelievers, to lands where Believers rule. It’s one of those Muslim rules from the earliest days that is to […]
Norway starts first trial under anti-jihadist law
From the Norwegian edition of
ISIS Comes Down On The Assyrians Like A Wolf On The Fold
Here. But this isn’t as important as the three girls who need to be found, and brought back to their homes, and their crying families.
Panem et Circenses
In Latin the phrase Panem et Circenses is best translated as Bread and Circuses. The metaphor was first used by Juvenal, the Roman satirist who wrote circa 100 A D. […]
Dedza chief suspends pork in market, bows to Malawi Muslim demands: Sells only halal meat
From the
BREAKING NEWS: ISIS kidnap at least 90 people from Christian villages in Syria, human rights watchdog reveals
From the Islamic State militants have kidnapped at least 90 people after sweeping through Christian villages in Syria, it has been revealed. The abductions are said to have taken place after […]
Drones fly over Paris landmarks during night
From the French Edition of
Obama’s Phased Deal with Iran’s Nuclear Program
Secretary Of State John Kerry in Geneva Source: Credit Salvatore Di Nolfi/Keystone, via AP. Earlier today, the
Insulting Islam In Lebanon: Je Suis Charbel
Thin-skinned Muslims (Et In Libanus Ego…) outraged about perceived insults to Islam, whip themselves into a fury and demand retribution. Story here.
A Musical Interlude: It’s The Talk Of The Town (Annette Hanshaw)
Listen here.
Hysteria, And A Diseased Sympathy
About 8,910,000 results (0.30 seconds) Hunt on for 3 British Girls Likely Headed for Syria Voice of America–5 hours ago British officials said the three […]
Ivan Rioufol: CRIF In Surprising Praise Of Marine Le Pen, And The FN
Here. “Il faut dire les choses : toutes les violences aujourd’hui sont commises par des jeunes musulmans (…) Une toute petite minorité” — Roger Cukierman The first part of his […]
Incoherent Roger Cukierman, Identifies The Problem, Misidentifies The Solution
Here. Cukierman is the president of CRIF, an organization that, supposedly, represents organized French Jewry (that part which wishes to be organized and consider itself a “community”). He’s properly identified […]