The Iconoclast
For Anyone Coming In Late, The Story of M Robert Redeker, Who Wrote A "Le Figaro" Article Critical of Islam and Mohammed in 2006 And Has Had To Live in Hiding Ever Since
Robert Redeker – a clear-sighted French high school teacher, a teacher of philosophy – wrote just one little, lapidary article coolly and rationally describing and criticising Islam, the Quran, Mohammed, […]
One Australian Infidel Woman’s Description of What She Saw At that Muslim Threat Display in Lakemba, Sydney, on 23.1.2015
She and a number of other non-Muslim Australians – the total number being about twenty, of whom eight travelled with her, and another twelve came independently of the group she […]
A Musical Interlude: I’ve Got A Feeling I’m Falling (Annette Hanshaw)
Listen here.
Daniel Sibony: France Cannot Change Islam, But Can Islam Change France?
Pro-Nazi Sentiments In Sharjah During The War
And note Abdullah bin Faris, who tried to get British citizenship, failed, and then immediately became an advocate for Nazi Germany, but still feigning outward loyalty to England in the […]
Watch “Night Will Fall” about Nazi Atrocities During the Holocaust
Jewish Children liberated at Auschwitz, February 1945 Source : Archives of the US National Holocaust Memorial Liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau On January 27, 1945 forward units of the 100th Rifle Division […]
Radical Islam poses a real, direct threat to the West — including Canada
It is distressing to witness the waffling and quibbling in both federal opposition parties over Canada’s contribution to the anti-terrorist effort in the Middle East, and even more depressing to […]
In this fight, "We have to also keep our heads" – John Kerry
Professor William A. Cook, Whom The Israeli Writer Fails To Properly Diagnose
After you’ve read this article, and well before the end, you will have no difficulty, and should not be the slightest bit reluctant, to call Professor William A. Cook, about […]
I don’t want to live under Islamic blasphemy law. That doesn’t make me racist
Douglas Murray in the So doubt this claim before. And now there is even more cause to doubt it, because earlier this week we had him (and remember this is […]
Japanese hostage feared killed as government says will not give in to terrorism
From the
American Girl Seeks Travel, Romance with ISIS
All tears and remorse now, but the judge wasn’t buying it.
Reports: ISIL Video Claims 1 of 2 Japanese Hostages Beheaded
Muslim gang barred from gathering in large groups and burning flags after violent outbursts at rallies led by hate preacher Anjem Choudary
From the
Robert Redeker: On The Fanatical Muslims Who Wish To Destroy France
Egyptian Imam: Europe Will Become One Islamic State
Demography, Boumediene and Qaddafy and other Muslims know — and non-Muslims don’t want to know, don’t want to think about it – is destiny. Here.