The Iconoclast
A Musical Interlude: Give Me That Old-Time Religion (from "Sergeant York"
Watch, and listen, here.
Earl W. Thompson, Or, The Death Of The Ball Turret Gunner
Shi’a And Sunni Tensions, Sky-High In Iraq
Story here. Societies suffused with Islam are naturally aggressive and violent. If there are no Infidels present to persecute or murder, other Muslims will do — provided they can be […]
Which Governments Are "Part of the Problem"
This article about the three-day summit on Violent Extremism suggests that those governments that crack down with an iron fist on Muslims who use violence to obtain their ends are […]
Sex abuse trial: Youngsters used as ‘play things’
From the Oxford Times Hassan-Sule, 20, of Glyndebourne Gardens, replied “no” when asked by defence barrister Michael Magarian QC whether he had sex with a complainant when she was 14. […]
Slough men jailed for child sexual offences committed against ‘vulnerable’ teenage girls; Mayor of Slough resigns
From the lough and South Bucks Express Mayor of Slough resigns over ‘grievous error of judgement‘ The Mayor of Slough has today announced his resignation following his attendance of a […]
Josh Earnest: "The Leaders Of Islam Say As Much"
Earnest said there is no question that radical ideologues around the globe have sought, and in some cases succeeded, in infiltrating some elements of the Muslim world to propagate their […]
All the way through the frozen wastes to the mailbox, and then back. Franklin, Scoresby, Shackleton — they’ve got nothing on me.
John Kerry: Our Plan For Countering Violent Extremism
Danish jails feared to be hotbed of radicalism
From the Danish edition of convicted twice in the last seven years for inciting terrorism. Prison services flagged El-Hussein up as being at risk of radicalisation, but Danish intelligence agency PET […]
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A song that appears in the Soviet film “Aibolit 66,” based on the Dr. Aibolit (a kind of Soviet Dr. Doolittle) stories for children by Kornei Chukovsky, contains this refrain: […]
Fitzgerald: Yesterday’s Men, Or Refreshing Memories About Olivier Roy
[Re-posted, from 2012, which was itself a re-posting from 2007] Here.
Puzzling Danish Puzzlement, And Olivier Roy’s Preposterous Panacea
‘”Junaid Mann, a former Copenhagen gang member who went to the same boxing club as Mr. Hussein, said he did not know the gunman well but had crossed paths with […]
Islamist fanatic guilty of plot to behead British soldier
He plotted an attack on UK soil because he had no way of getting to Syria to become a jihadist there, he admitted. After being kicked out of his home […]
A Musical Interlude: It’s Bad For Me (Ray Noble Orch,, voc. Al Bowlly)
Listen here.
Lebanese Journalist Ibrahim Al-Amin: Hezbollah Has A Score To Settle With The CIA
I trust this clip will make it impossible for Ibrahim Al-Amin to travel ever again to North America or Western Europe.