The Iconoclast
Argentina President Kirchner Charged in Cover up of AMIA Jewish Center Blast
Argentine President Cristina de Fernandez Kirchner The Buenos Aires Herald (The Herald) broke news today that President Cristina de Fernandez Kirchner had been charged by an Argentine Prosecutor with a […]
Terror arrest of Chechen jihadist in Vienna
From the Austrian edition of
Austrian Prosecutor: Call To Kill Jews Constitutes Legal Criticism Of Israel
Here. Vera Nabokova used to insist that the Austrians had been even worse than the Germans.
Alex Joffe On Britain And The Image Of Israel
Jordanian Salafist Abu Muhammad Al-Maqdisi On The Islamic State
Muslims Ignoring All The Evidence To Make Sure They Can Promote Islam
If it’s merely a case of parking-and-noise rage, a neighbor with a long history of threatening encounters with all around him, a neighbor whose favorite movie, one he saw over […]
Australian Infidels Grow Restless: Federal Senator Jacqui Lambie Says "Halal Money" Funds Islamic State, Will Move Private Bill
As reported in “The Australian”. ‘Jacqui Lambie says “halal money” funds Islamic State; to move private bill ‘Jacqui Lambie is threatening to introduce a private senator’s bill to stop […]
Mohammed Abu Salha Specializes In Mood Disorders
He’s a psychiatrist. He treats patients with mood disorders, depression, and so on. So one might think he would be fully aware of what ails people such as Mr. Hicks. […]
The Real Hate-(Attempted)Murder In Chapel Hill: Reza Taheri–Azar At The Pit
Look at some of the nauseating tweets, expressing indignation that this “act of terrorism,” this act of “Islamophobia,” hadn’t yet been on CNN, CBS, ABC, NBC — as if the […]
Coptic Boy Burned Alive In Upper Egypt
Here. These things — attacks, rapes, kidnappings, murders — are happening to the Copts in Egypt, and in Libya, too, every day. They are reported on at Coptic websites. They […]
A Musical Interlude: I’m Through With Love (Lee Morse)
Listen here.
Hicks "Obsessed With Parking And Noise"
Three Muslims were killed gthe other day in Chapel Hill, by a neighbor “obsessed with parking and noise,” who had over many months been feuding with them, as he had […]
Bob Simon Dies, All Nature Mourns
“A warrior poet who loved life and loved people” according to Anderson Cooper. Others may not agree. He was one of the worst journalists — nasty, sly, sure of himself, […]
Here. A naif rooms with a bizarre creature, they know nothing about the world, nothing about Islam, history, or justice, but they think they know all they neeed to know. […]
Arm-Wrestling with God
Izzy Ezagui writes in the
Dozens of terrorists linked to British preacher are jailed
Sharia4Belgium had close ties to Anjem Choudary, the British radical preacher, and lifted much of its rhetoric from the banned group Islam4UK, which he founded. Mr Choudary described him as “a […]