The Iconoclast
Muslim convert ‘terror plotter’ wanted to harm David Cameron, court told
From the
Wissam Allouche, Who Sodomized And Then Beat To Death An Israeli Pilot
And he divorced his American wife a few months after finally obtaining, through that marriage, the American citizenship that was his goal all along. Such marriages are a not uncommon […]
In Boston, Beverly Scott Finally Is Put To The Test, And Demonstrates Her Total Incompetence
Beverly Scott has a “Ph.D.” in political science (wouldn’t you like to know what she wrote her thesis on? don’t you have some idea already?), which degree is irrelevant to […]
Rotherham abuse: Researcher’s warning ‘ignored in 2002’
I was up until midnight last night waiting for this interview to come on line after the
President Obama Says Israeli PM Netanyahu Speech to Congress could
German Chancellor Andrea Merkel and President Obama White House February 9, 2015 Source: Getty Images President Obama and German Chancellor Andrea Merkel held a Joint White House Press Conference today. […]
Teen ‘planned to kill British soldier and hold up severed head for photo’, court hears
From the London Evening Standard Brustholm Ziamani, 19, was arrested on a street in east London in August carrying a 12-inch knife and a hammer in a rucksack, having earlier […]
ISIS: Rooted Deeply In Islam
New recruits to ISIS required to study Qur’an and Sunnah, and Shari’a, which is codification into law of both. They aren’t told to ignore Islam; they are told to study […]
Williams and NBC: No Valor, No Pride, and No Shame
Brian Williams has been the face of the National Broadcasting Company (NBC) and now he seems to be the face of shameless too. Williams has regaled his gullible Media colleagues […]
Burak Bekdil: Turkey Bad Joke
The radical cleric building a militia in the heart of Islamabad
From the
The Lament of the “Good” Muslim
Muslims in France claim that, just because a few so-called Muslims committed heinous acts of terrorism, that they are unjustly and irrationally being treated as if they were all terrorists […]
Show of Islamic strength in Whitehall
Saudi Historian On Why Women Shouldn’t Drive
Because if they break down on the side of the road, they’ll be raped – obviously.The reason Western women drive, is they don’t mind being raped.
Be careful with the Prophet Mohammed
In Whitehall to observe a show of strength by numerous Muslim groups protesting the Charlie Hebdo cartoons. More once I am home, but this is a brief sample.
Teacher quits French Muslim school accusing it of ‘promoting Islamism’
How the Muslim Brotherhood fits into a network of extremism
Andrew Gilligan in the S The Sunday Telegraph has found a number of clear overlaps between the Brotherhood’s UK operations and those of organisations linked to Hamas, which is banned […]