The Iconoclast
Khaled Abu Toameh: "Press Freedom" Among The "Palestinian" Arabs
"The Qassam Brigades Have Been Involved In Everything That Happens In The Sinai"
Here. Eventually El-Sisi (or Al-Sisi, in the non-Egyptian version) will move Egypt, if circumcstances permit, entirely away from the monster that the Arab states themselves created — the “Palestinian people” […]
Merci Professeur Cerquiglini!
One of the most enchanting of websites is that conducted by Bernard Cerquiglini, whose appearances on TV5Monde are preserved on-line. He briefly, lucidly, satisfyingly discusses aspects of the French language. […]
Hayat Boumeddiene (Wife of Kosher Deli Attacker Coulibaly) in ISIS Video "Blow Up France 2"
ISIS Putting Price Tags on Iraqi Children, Selling Them as Slaves, U.N. Says
Lt. Moath al-Kasasbeh, burned to death. The Middle East nation hit back Thursday, unleashing fighter jets to ISIS strongholds in retaliation. ISIS captured the 27-year-old after his F-16 fighter jet […]
Obama And Islam’s Non-Existent Golden Rule
Barack Obama ended his talk at the National Prayer Breakfast with a quote from oe of the Hadith found in Sahih Muslim (one of the “authentic” collections of Hadith winnowed […]
Northumbria Police have charged 20 people with sexual offences as part of Operation Sanctuary
From the Newcastle Crown Court appearances on February 16 and 17. Deputy Chief Constable Steve Ashman, who is leading the investigation, said today marked a significant milestone in the operation. He […]
Just A Little Bit Of Twitter
The illustration, that is, here.
Obama’s Tu-Quoque On Behalf Of Islam
He can’t any longer keep pretending that there’s nothing wrong with Islam. Now that he has to admit, begrudingly, that, he’s found it necessary to remind everyone that “we do […]
A Musical Interlude: Easy Come, Easy Go (Lee Wiley)
Listen here.
Hamza Mansour, Of Muslim Brotherhood In Jordan, Answers A Question
His way of dealing with the question will be familiar to all those who have seen Muslims being interviewed, in Dar al-Islam or Dar al-Harb, about Islam. Here.
Abd Al-Bari Atwan: Arabs Should Unite In The Jihad Against Israel
Riven by disputes among their nations and within their nations, the Muslim Arabs all agree on only one thing: the need to destroy Israel. And they should, this former editor […]
Barack Obama Wants Us To Put Muslim Terrorism In Perspective
His remarks at the National Prayer Breakfast here.
Why Not A Guaranteed Income For All Muslims So They Won’t Be Discontent?
In Sweden, there will be jobs and apartments and subsidies awaiting those who come back from the Islamic State. That will put them in such a good mood that they […]
Boehner Invites Pope To Address Congress Without Getting Obama’s Permission; Pope Francis Accepts Anyway
“A Forest of Crosses” discovered in Saudi Arabia
Ancient Christian Inscription in Saudi Arabia Source: F. Imbert, Asian News After we posted on an Israel Hayom article on a fascinating exhibit at Israel’s Biblical Lands Museum of Judean […]