The Iconoclast
Bruce Riedel — Should He And Those Like Him Be Consulted About Anything?
Washington, and American think tanks elsewhere, and American universities too, are full of bruce-riedels. They are called, because that is what they call themselves, “terrorism experts.” They’ve made out, over […]
Charlie Hebdo Defends Western Civilization
It is appropriate and gratifying that the Islamic terrorists who, armed with military Kalashnikov weapons in a well-planned attack, murdered 12 people, the chief editor and his staff, in the office […]
Al Qaeda threatens France with more terror
From the French edition of
No Penalty for Blasphemy in the Koran
So sayeth Dr. Fareed Zakaria commenting on “the twelve people murdered in Paris this week.” His conclusion is that that they were misguided souls and that Islamic regimes and organizations […]
Compromise In Iraq Among Sunnis And Shi’a
An Iraqi hope. If Islam encouraged rational and logical thought, if Islam did not punish skeptical questioning, if the texts of Islam, and the example of Muhammad, spoke endlessly about […]
Michael Copeland And LibertyGB: At The Time Of The Breaking Of Nations
Here. And there are other articles at this site (LibertyGB), that express an intelligent anguish, and you might want to read more than a few of them.
Revealed: How customer in kosher deli was executed when he grabbed one of terrorist’s guns and it JAMMED
From the
Tyranny of the Minority
The shots in the Paris street that were seen and heard around the world killed Ahmed Merabet, a Muslim policeman going to the defense of Charlie Hebdo: a reminder that […]
France’s problem: up to half its prisoners are Muslim and the jails are a hotbed for radicalization
From the
To Our Twitter and Facebook Readers
The feed seems to have a maximum number of blog posts per day and on many days we exceed that limit. Please come to The Iconoclast and browse around. There are many […]
Geert Wilders’ Common Sense
Muslim Students All Over France Refuse To Observe The Minute Of Silence
Here. One of them threatened to use a “kalash(nikov)” on his teacher: «Je te bute à la kalach», a lancé à Lille un élève de quatrième à son enseignante, pendant […]
Three Frenchmen From Buttes-Chaumont
You can read all about them here.
Bill Is Always Ready For His Close-Up, But Is Hillary?
Here. And don’t forget the 21 phone numbers and email addresses, all belonging to Bill Clinton, that have just turned up in the possession of his friend and fellow heedless […]
Fracas over Leaked Emails at Al Jazeera;" I AM NOT CHARLIE"
National Review On-line has a scoop, a leaked email exchange at Qatar-owned Al Jazeera by Brendon Bordelon, ‘I AM NOT CHARLIE’: Leaked Newsroom Emails Reveal Al Jazeera Fury over […]
The "Tough-Minded" Stupidity Of Piers Morgan On Islam
Here is the article. It’s meant to be tough on Islam and Muslims, by asking them to stand up and denounce the murderers in Paris for “not being Muslims.” It […]