The Iconoclast
Boehner’s Invitation To Netayahu: The Real Timeline
Here. Would you rather hear on the subject of the Islamic Republic of Iran and its nuclear project Barack Obama, or Benjamin Netanyahu. The latter has been warning the West […]
Cometh The Hour, Cometh The Man: Clint Eastwood
“He[King Abdullah] said there is going to be retribution like ISIS hasn’t seen,” said Republican Rep. Duncan Hunter Jr., a Marine Corps veteran of two tours in Iraq and one […]
Moussaoui, The Saudis, and Those 28 Pages in the 9/11 Report
Anne-Sophie Letac: The Irruption Of Evil Into The Kingdom Of Goody-Goodness
American Weapons Go Astray In Yemen
Here. And why not? By the tens of billiions of dollars worth, they’ve gone astray in Iraq and Afghanistan and Pakistan.. And they will go astray, you can be sure, […]
Moussa Coulibaly, "Une Chance Pour La France’
Here. Coulibaly is, it turns out, a common name in Mali. This Coulibaly is not related to the kosher-market murderer. But hee shares his hatred for Jews, soliders, France. He […]
BREAKING NEWS: 25 men charged with sexual offences against two girls in Calderdale
From the
Rotherham: politicians and police ‘abused girls’
From the The Times and the council has since resigned and will be replaced by government commissoners. Complaints against the two Rotherham councillors are understood to have been sent to the […]
Churchill On Islam
People forget now but Winston Churchill as a young British military officer got up close and personal with the nastier aspects of Islam. He first served in the North West […]
And The Burning Of The Pilot, It Can’t Be Repeated Often Enough, Has Nothing To Do With Islam
You have read Qur’an 9.14 here. And the story of the setting on fire the chest of Kinana, a story told in Ibn Ishaq, here. Now look at 4.456, and […]
Israel’s Offshore Gas Discoveries are in Jeopardy say Energy Conference Participants
Yesterday, there was a Conference in Tel Aviv co-sponsored by the Israeli Ministry of Infrastructure, Energy and Water and Maala- a group concerned with Socially Responsible Business. Globes Israeli Business […]
K-K-K-K-K-K Und So Weiter
Kim and Kristy and Kirsty and Khloe and Kourtney and Krystal and….. No more K’s, please. Old mathematicians were wrong. N (which stands for any non-negative integer, including me) does […]
Rotherham Council’s leadership resigns following damning child sex abuse report
From the
Fitzgerald: Social Justice In Islam
[First Posted On May 16, 2006] We often hear from apologists for Islam, and enthusiastic new converts, that Islam has a rich tradition of fighting against “inequality” and for […]
Israeli Exhibit Confirms Ancient Judean Presence in Babylonia
Visitors at Bible Lands Museum Exhibit on Ancient Judean Cuneiform Tablets in Baylonia Source: Israeli Hayom and Reuters This Israel Hayom article on a Bible Lands Musueum exhibit […]
Fatah’s Qur’an Quotes Akin To Propaganda Of Islamic State
Fatah is conducting Jihad to remove the Infidel nation-state of Israel. The Islamic State is a nascent “caliphate” created, out of parts of Syria and Iraq, in order to better […]