The Iconoclast
Both Hostage Situations Linked – Both Possibly Stormed by Police
Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Ansar Al-Sharia, The Islah Party And Al-Qaeda
And the secessionists in Aden. Here.
The Kosher Market, The Killings So Far, And Amedy Coullibaly
For John Lloyd, It’s Up To Europeans To Show Restraint, To Understand Muslim Needs And So On
It’s up to Europeans, is the suave implication, to avoid “those who would divide us” like Nigel Farage, and Marine Le Pen, and Geert Wilders — even though they are […]
Clear Days on the Religious Front
The comedy of modern “atheism” takes a merry twist lately in the jottings of Mr. Phil Zuckerman, professional unbeliever and counselor of those-with-nowhere-else-to-turn. Unwilling to be regarded as an atheist of common […]
Prominent Qatari Editor: Muslims Have Nothing To Apologize For In France
Here. Nor, this powerful Qatari editor says, need Muslims apologize anywhere else. In the first place, because the attack by men who screamed out that they were avenging the insult […]
2 Dead in Second Hostage Situation in Kosher Grocery in Paris
The Peters Principle on the Middle East Conflict
Few writers on the Arab-Israeli dispute have had as striking an impact as did Joan Peters, who died on January 5, 2015. Her book, From Time Immemorial, published in 1984, has […]
Equating Prudence with Cowardice
How long would it take for a Western journalist to blame the Charlie Hebdo murders on French colonialism and journalistic insensitivity to the feelings of Muslims? Not nearly as long, […]
Bill Maher on Charlie Hebdo Massacre
Head-on Collision at Charlie Hebdo
12 DEAD, 20 WOUNDED Paris, 8 January 2015 Nidra Poller Clash of civilizations, star wars, the big bang, a certain idea of France was murdered in cold blood on […]
Paris suspect linked to Finsbury Park mosque
From the
France Terror: ‘Two Dead Amid Hostage Siege’
Shi’a And Sunnis In Savage And Infelix Arabia
A photograph of the Islam-addled savages — I think Houthis, for their Al Qaeda enemies are even more savage and wild-eyed — is placed appositely before the text of the […]
This Is Not A Horror Movie, But Islamic State Reality
Muslims waiting for their share of the Yezidi girls seized to serve as their sex slaves. Here.
The New York Times Removed Mention Of The Qur’an And Islam From Survivor Sigolene Vinson’s Account — Why?
An important story, and question, that must be asked again and again, not just in the press but on television, until an answer — not a satisfactory answer for there […]