The Iconoclast
So Where Are The Muslim Demonstrations?
There are five or six or seven million Muslims in France. Several days have passed since the latest murders of French people by Muslims in France. I’ve been watching French […]
"You Must Convert To Islam, Read The Qur’an, And Cover Your Head"
This is what Sigolene Vinson was told by one of the killers.
What The Prof Told His Students At The Lycee Lavoisier
Watch, and listen, here.
A Frenchman Asks: What Are All These Muslims Doing In Our Midst?
rrr333 | 8 janvier 2015 23h35 | Répondre C’est quand même effarant de voir l’énergie déployée tout azimut par nos politiques et media, pour tourner autour du pot, couper les […]
Michael Mannheimer On The German Media’s Role In Promoting Islamisation
Ivan Rioufol Won’t Endure Any More Nonsense, And Rokhaya Diallo Is Left In Tears
Listen here.
Ivan Rioufol On La France Angélique
La France angélique est la vraie menace Le danger islamiste en France? Fantasmes xénophobes! La nation invivable? Élucubrations réactionnaires! Dans l’univers cotonneux de la Hollandie, où les peurs sont bruyamment […]
Boko Haram ‘kills hundreds’ in Nigeria raids
It doesn’t stop. From A
First picture released from inside the offices of Charlie Hebdo
In the
Al-Qaeda plotting attack on Britain
From the
Samuel Laurent: The Islamization Of France Is The Result Of The Cowardice Of Our Elites
First part (rest requires payment) here.
Je Suis Charlie
Islamic terrorists once again have shown their savage cruelty to those critical of the religion of Islam and its founder the Prophet Muhammad. In broad daylight on Wednesday January7, 2015 […]
Geert Wilders’ Comment on Charlie Hebdo Massacre
Ayaan Hirsi Ali: Reprint The Charlie-Hebdo Cartoons
Jeannette Bougrab, The Girlfriend Of Stephane Charbonnier
“Compagne” — companion? Petite amie — girlfriend. Neither is quite right, nor is the gabby-hayes amerikanische “partner.” I’ll stick with girlfriend. She rightly describes those murdered as resistants. France is, […]
What Makes PEGIDA "Right-Wing" And "Anti-Immigrant"?
Answer: Nothing. PEGIDA is not “right-wing.” There is nothing “right-wing” about it. The only reason it is called “right-wing” is because this is the Homeric epithet that those in the […]