The Iconoclast
Imam Who "Insulted God" Decapitated By ISIS — For Which His Three Sons Have Been Fighting
Story here. I assume the sons approved of his decapitation. We can’t have people going around insulting God.
Russia Beyond The Headlines
Some may dismiss it as the Higher Propaganda. Others may differ. Here.
FN Candidate Sophie Montel Attacked For What She Said 20 Years Ago
And here’s what she said twenty years ago that is apparently being held against her today: «Rien dans les propos de Jean-Marie Le Pen sur l’évidente inégalité des races ne […]
Iran’s Holocaust Cartoon Contest — All In Great Good Fun
Walid Shoebat: The Bashibazouk And the Khazouk
Crucifixion is too soft a punishment, in the eyes of some True Believers, for those who fight the Islamic State. Here.
Some Of The New Residents Of Sweden Not Quite Working Out
For example, this one.
The Terrifying Couéism Of Bill Gates And His Misdirected Efforts
Here is his vision of the world in 2030. He appears now not to care about populatiion growth, but only about curing diseases. He has nothing about global climate disruption. He appears […]
Dalal Mughrabi, The Mass Murderer Idolized By "Palestinian" Arabs
And the P.A. — Fatah, the PLO, the Slow Jihadists, call them what you will — instead of trying to dampen, rather encourages the spirit of fanatical hate, and Islamic […]
Netanyahu Should be Shown Respect by the White House
In a scarcely veiled and undiplomatic allusion to the “Jewish lobby,” President Barack Obama speaking on January 15, 2015 about the views of politicians who disagreed with him on the […]
Small Church in East Tennessee Hacked by Cyber-Jihadis
Public Sector Millionaires
Life is a long succession of vested interests, though we are inclined to see everyone’s but our own. The term now having mainly a negative connotation, we usually think of […]
Islamic militants threaten to ‘cause carnage’ wherever Japanese found
From the
Judge to see forensics that point to Tower Hamlets vote fraud
Andrew Gilligan in
President Obama call the Bibisitter
Bibisitter screen capture Source: Dr. Rich Swier eMagazine Our colleagues at Gates of Vienna with the aid of the talented Vlad Tepes had this cute Likud Campaign commercial, Bibisitter, translatted […]
What Needs To Be Said To "Churches Together" About Its Lenten Readings
The letter below was sent to me with the implied request that I post it here. Of course I am glad to comply. Dear All A few […]
A Musical Interlude: Sunday (Gene Austin)
Listen here.