The Iconoclast
Brother of Lee Rigby’s killer praises Paris jihadis
From the
Jihad Mughniyeh, Four Other Hezbollah Terrorists Killed
Anti-Islamist PEGIDA rally in Dresden called off after threat
From threat of an attack. “On analyzing the current situation, we now no longer believe this is an abstract danger, but rather a concrete one,” Dieter Kroll of Dresden’s police […]
Muslims and Free Speech
Should there be limits to free speech and expression? The issue is now on the front burner for intellectual discussion and political decision in Western societies. This was inevitable following the […]
"How Long Do We Have To Apologize For The Acts Of World War II?"
A statement, by a German, quoted in an article published today in the Christian Science Monitor. Not apologize, but make amends, in domestic and foreign policy. The best way […]
Caroline Fourest Shows Up Sky News, And U.K. Journalism
Here. Caroline Fourest is the author of “Frere Tariq,” a study of how Tariq Ramadan manipulates non-Muslim audiences.
Stephen Kinzer: Never Islam, Always
An article of surpassing idiocy, by Stephen Kinzer, here. No mention of Islam, nor of the violence and aggression that make it difficult, in that un-Islamic construct the nation-state, for […]
Listen to Lisa Benson Show Today, 3PM EST & 10 PM in Israel: Muslim Brotherhood Globally and in Your Community
Islam, a religion of peace — and Kalashnikovs
Ayaan Hirsi Ali has a very interesting article in the
Charlie Hebdo & Political Reaction
Paris March for Unity was a Great Occasion, But it was Only a Beginning
The Paris March for Unity on Sunday was one of the epochal occasions of this still-young century. There was absolutely none of the mealy-mouthed waffling that echoed hollowly around this […]
Pegida marches possible Islamist target: report
From the German edition of Deutsche Welle Der Spiegel magazine said that foreign intelligence services had picked up thecontent of communications by some “known international jihadists”, without giving specific details. The intelligence, […]
Irish jihadis at ‘mosque’ under Garda surveillance
Gardai are monitoring the activities of a group of radical young Muslims in Dublin, the
Leicester terrorist cell that laid seeds of Paris atrocity
Also from the Read it all.
Convicted terror leader with link to Paris whom we cannot deport
A convicted al-Qaeda terror fundraiser with links to the Paris attacks is residing in the UK after using the Human Rights Act to prevent his deportation back to his native […]
Crazy Edwy Plenel: Not Islam But We — We French! — Are The Ones To Blame
Here. Message of Edwy Plenel: Muslims are in France, therefore they are “part of France” and “are French.” Those killings? They were monstrous. But Islam had nothing to do with […]