The Iconoclast
A Few Dozen Secular Arabs and Berbers Sign A Petition On The Need To Ignore Or Change Islamic Texts
Here. It’s good that they publicly recognize that what went on in Paris, or in the Islamic State, or all over the place when Muslims behave violently toward non-Muslims and […]
A Letter To Francois Hollande From An Arab In Ramallah
Monette Vacquin: How My Grandparents Became French
That title is not a literal translation of the French, but conveys the meaning, though not the implied contrast with how the Muslim immigrants to France today integrate, or refuse […]
Jean-Marie Le Pen, The Man Who Did The Most To Make Mass Migration Into France Possible,Tel Qu’En Lui-Même
Jean-Marie Le Pen is an out-and-out fascist. For years he was the face and emblem of the Front National. And because this awful man, who famously declared that the genocide […]
Christiane Taubira, French Minister Of Justice, In Whom No One Has Confidence
The latest results of a poll, here. Christiane Taubira was appointed to be the Garde des Sceaux (Keeper of the Seals, that is Minister of Justice) by Hollande in a […]
Adieu Voltaire
“I do not agree with what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.” Some wag suggested that Voltaire was murdered the […]
UK PM Cameron versus President Obama on Radical Islamic Terror Threat
Contrast UK PM Cameron and President Obama on Radical Islamic Extremist Threat In Joint Press Conference Watch UK PM David Cameron and President Obama respond to question by BBC […]
Islamic Violence Must Be Ended
On Sunday, January 11, 2015 , Paris became the capital of the world as the setting of a unique historical demonstration: more than 40 international political leaders marched in the […]
Missing bomb plot teen arrested in Vienna
From the Austrian edition of
Hundreds protesters rally against Islam in Czech capital
Martin Konvicka, a leader of the group . . . said (the) group has no formal ties with PEGIDA, which organises bigger anti-Islam marches in Germany. There were some heated […]
Muslim Teacher Recorded Claiming The Charlie-Hebdo Killings A Conspiracy Against Muslims
She said there was no evidence any police had been killed, that it was strange that one particular person was not at the editorial meeting, that there was a plot, […]
Argentine President and Foreign Minister in Alleged Cover Up of Iran’s 1994 AMIA Jewish Center Bombing
Argentine President Christina de Fernandez Kirchner and Foreign Minister Hector Timerman Credit the relentless Argentine Prosecutor Alberto Nisman with endeavoring to bring closure to the 1994 AMIA Jewish Center […]
The Epithets Used To Misinform, And Blacken The Name Of PEGIDA
PEGIDA is “anti-immigrant.” No, it isn’t. PEGIDA is against more, and yet more, Muslim immigrants. It would probably welcome non-Muslim immigrants, such as those unemployed young people from Italy, Greece, […]
Dean Of Duke Chapel Luke Powery Parrots, and Decries, "Essentializing"
Appointed just a few years ago to be Dean of the Duke Chapel, Luke Powery was on NPR the other day, decrying the “essentializing” of Islam (and Muslims). He used […]
Mehdi And Mohamed Belhoucine
The two Belhoucine brothers, Mehdi and Mohamed, were part of th network to which, apparently, the Charlie-Hebdo killers have been connected. Mehdi accompanied Hayat Boumediene to the airport where she […]
Obama Opposes New Congressional Standby Sanctions at Joint White House Press Conference
Obama Opposes New Standby Sanctions at Joint Press Conference with UK PM David Cameron President Obama responds to questions at a joint Press Conference with UK PM David Cameron on […]