The Iconoclast
A Phrase I Can’t Stand That Obama Uses All The Tiime
“That’s not who we are.”
A Cinematic Musical Interlude: Non Dimenticar (Silvana Mangano)
Watch, and listen, here.
Oriana Fallaci
About the European Union, and the Muslim threat: “…Questo Club Finanziario che mi ruba il parmigiano e il gorgonzola, che sacrifica la mia bella lingua e la mia identità nazionale, […]
Pim Fortuyn Must Not Be Forgotten
Here, in Dutch with subtitles, a debate in 1997 between Pim Fortuyn and the Labor Party’s Minister of Housing, sociologist Marcel Van Dam.. Pim Fortuyn was murdered by a demented […]
Magdi Allam: The Qur’an Teaches You To Kill (In Italian)
Here. Not just Qur’an. Qur’an and Sunnah.
Geert Wilders: The Inanity Is Enough To Drive You Mad
A lucid, unanswerable speech delivered to the Dutch Parliament in The Hague two days ago. Listen here.
Who Were The Two Richest Men At The Paris March?
More than a million and a half people marched in Paris. And perhaps, somewhere in the crowd, unknown to us, was George Soros, or Bill Gates, or Warren Buffett, or […]
Pat Condell: It Has Nothing To Do With Islam
Watch, and listen, here.
Jihadists killed in Belgian terror swoop inspired by Lee Rigby murder
From the
A Musical Interlude: Le Nez De Cléopâtre (Ray Ventura & His Orch.)
Listen here.
A Little Reminder Of What You Hate Most About Academic Life
Imagine having to read this stuff. Just try to hack your way out of those tristes tropics of hermeneutic discourse, just try to take a machete to the mumbo-jumbo that […]
Can Islam Be Reformed?
Short Answer: No. Some Muslims are being forced to ask that question — can Islam be reformed? — or such variants as “what things need to be done to allow […]
If the Saudis Can Do It….
Plans for the 600-mile wall and ditch Saudi Arabia will build with Iraq in an effort to insulate itself from the chaos engulfing its neighbors.
US College Drops Plan For Muslim Prayers Call
Belgian Prime Minister Charles Michel: The Fear Must Move From Us To Them
“La peur doit changer de camp”, a déclaré dans la nuit de jeudi à vendredi le premier ministre belge, Charles Michel, alors qu’une vaste opération antiterroriste était menée par la […]
A Musical Interlude: He Hadn’t Up Till Yesterday (Sophie Tucker)
Listen here.