The Iconoclast

Egyptian TV Host: Tzipi Livni Had Sexual Relations With Many Arab Leaders

January 05, 2015
Hugh Fitzgerald

Here. With many “Palestinian” Arabs, and Lebanese, and — you name it. And Egyptians too. They all “had sex with that woman.” How do we know? Because Tzipi Livni told […]

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Madrid: Police officer dies after being ‘pushed’ under train

January 05, 2015
Esmerelda Weatherwax

From 9 News Australia A police officer has died in Spain after he was allegedly pushed under the path of an oncoming train. Police say officer Francisco Javier Ortega, 28, was […]

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Propaganda For Children as German Elite Unites to Condemn PEGIDA

January 05, 2015
Esmerelda Weatherwax

From brightly coloured cartoons, ZDFtivi helpfully informs its young audience that “the majority of Germans do not support the opinions of PEGIDA”. Describing what ZDF understands the average PEGIDA member to […]

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Jews and Arabs Proud to be Israeli

January 05, 2015
Norman Berdichevsky


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The Nazification Of The Palestinian Arabs

January 05, 2015
Hugh Fitzgerald

The Gazan imam asks and answers: “What was it about the Jews that made the Nazis kill them?” And the answer turns out to be that they spread corruption in […]

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Al-Sisi Orders A "Crisis" Group To Look Into Kidnapping Of Copts In Libya

January 05, 2015
Hugh Fitzgerald


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Al-Sisi At Al-Azhar: "We Are Bringing The Islamic World To Perdition"

January 05, 2015
Hugh Fitzgerald

Here. A telling and important appearance. He can’t renounce Islam, but he can renounce, under the guise of “ideology” separate from the “religion” — he has to do this, what […]

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Norway Et Al. Fund The Replacement Geography Of The Jihad

January 05, 2015
Hugh Fitzgerald

Here is the story about “Palestine.” That toponym, you will remember, was imposed on Judea by the Romans, in order to efface the Jewish connection to the land. Thus “Syria […]

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John Kerry Certifies That Pakistan Deserves American Aid

January 05, 2015
Hugh Fitzgerald


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Maps Should Include Israel

January 05, 2015
Michael Curtis

How much sharper than a serpent’s tooth it is to have a feckless publisher.  The firm of Harper, formerly known as Harper & Row and now as Harper Collins, has […]

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What’s Wrong With This Headline?

January 05, 2015
Hugh Fitzgerald

Here. What word is missing?

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Banished from the City

January 05, 2015
Theodore Dalrymple

The relation between morality and law is (or ought to be) complex and subtle: the two are neither identical nor entirely separate. Once upon a time everyone seemed to understand […]

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A Proposed Agenda for Congress in 2015 to Defend America and its Ally Israel

January 05, 2015
Joel Hirst

by Jerry Gordon (January 2015) It is appropriate at the start of 2015 to take stock and make resolutions to protect against the wide ranging threats to freedom, liberty and […]

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Anjem Choudary tweeting today

January 05, 2015
Esmerelda Weatherwax
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Boston Marathon bombing trial Dzhokhar Tsarnaev of starts today

January 05, 2015
Esmerelda Weatherwax
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For Some Reason The Police In Kansas City Think This Should Be Investigated As A

January 04, 2015
Hugh Fitzgerald

One Muslim runs down another. The local Muslim leaders demand an investigation of a possible “hate crime.” It’s an idiotic demand, but so solicitious are the police and FBI of […]

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