The Iconoclast
A Cinematic Musical Interlude: Swanee Shuffle (Nina Rae McKinney)
Watch, and listen, here.
Warning About Terrorism In Europe, And Special Pleading, From An Egyptian
He wants Europeans to understand what “we in Egypt” have been suffering from. It’s terrorism, and you Europeans did this to yourselves by giving them (presumably, the nothing-to-do-with-Islam True Believers […]
Ivan Rioufol: The People Of France, Taking In Hand Their Own Destiny
Ivan Rioufol’s description of the crowd, and the crowd’s cries, and what, he thinks and allows himself it believe, it all means, here.
Reza Aslan On "Deafening" Muslim Condemnation Of Radical Islam: "If You Don’t Hear It, Then You’re Not Listening"
As there’s no there there — there never is with Reza Aslan, who has made a profession of this — I haven’t bothered even to give the link to this […]
De Blasio
Countering Violent Extremism, Which Has Nothing To Do With Islam
And in which lots and lots of money, for all kinds of projects and programs, is being distributed in Boston, and Minneapolis, and Los Angeles, apparently to Muslims, and only […]
What’s Wrong With Sarkozy? Is He Stupid, Or Confused, Or Afraid?
From an interview with Nicolas Sarkozy: President Nicolas Sarkozy —who also took part—said unity is the only dignified response to the terror attacks, but called immigration a complicating factor for […]
Egyptian Cleric Mostafa Al-Adwy on Charlie Hebdo Terror Attack: By God, We Are Happy
Qanta Ahmed: How Everything I Observed Was Mis-Represented On Australia’s Weekend Sunrise
Qanta Ahmed had worked in Israel with Jewish and Arab doctors in Project Rozana, and hoped to make that project better known. She tells about what happened to her at […]
Rod Liddle: Those Who Keep Telling Us
Reporters Without Borders: At Its Most Hypocritical, When It Charges France With Hypocrisy
Reporters Without Borders acccuses France of being hypocritical in allowing representatives of Egypt, Turkey, Russia, and the United Arab Emirates, countries where press freedom is curtailed, to show up for […]
Making Sense Of What Happened Yesterday In France: J’en Ai Marre, Ras-Le-Bol
What happened yesterday in France? Anything? Nothing? 1) Very few Muslims took part in any of the demonstrations. In Lyons, 300,000 people took part. In Marseille, the second most populous […]
France to deploy 5,000 police to Jewish schools
From the French edition of
Lyse Doucet Of The BBC Interviews Osama
In these marches all over France, Muslims were almost entirely absent. Oh, a few could be seen, here and there (very much here and there), apparently, and apparently, too, every […]
Introducing Tim Wilcox Of The BBC
Here. And on this double-bill, without further ado, the second feature from the BBC, with Tim Wilcox again, who is very interested in anything having to do with Jews, and […]
Murdered For Mocking Muhammad: Abu ‘Afak And Asma Bint Marwan
I earlier posted the relevant hadith tfrom the Sahih Bukhari about Ka’b ibn al-Ashraf. I post here the stories of Abu ‘Afak and Asma bint Marwan, the first a 120-year-old […]