The Iconoclast
In Ottawa, Muslim Cleric Imtiaz Ahmad Is All For Free Speech, As Long As Religious Figures Are Off Limits
Here. The Ahmadis are killed in Pakistan, for being Infidels who dare to consider themselves Muslims. They are not allowed, on official documents, to declare themselves to be Muslims. They […]
Amedy Coulibaly: I Take My Orders From The Islamic State
Whether, like Amedy Coulibaly, Muslims in France take their orders from the Islamic State, or from a wild-eyed or smooth imam, or from what they read in the Qur’an and […]
Did The Police Bullets Kill The Hostages At The Hyper Cacher?
I’m wondering. I have that feeling. Something isn’t right about the coverage. And what about the girl — Hayat Boumedienne — who managed to escape, despite that enormous police cordon. […]
Mr Hollande says "these fanatics have nothing to do with Muslim religion’"
Oh thank goodness, I’m so relieved.
Reactions On Twitter To Attack On ‘Charlie Hebdo’ Including Hashtags #Paris Is Burning, #Vengeance For [Insulting] Allah’s Messenger, #Lone Wolves Are Terrorizing France
MEMRI reports: Following the deadly January 7, 2015 attack at the office of the Charlie Hebdo satirical weekly in Paris, several new hashtags in Arabic were tweeted tens of thousands […]
Mendacious Nabila Ramdani
In an article blending Taqiyya and Tu-Quoque, and the underhum or general whine of self-pity, Nabila Ramdani outdoes herself in her little piece on Charlie-Hebdo and the woes not of […]
Meanwhile, Saudis Lash Blogger for "Insult" to Islam
Charlie Hebdo, but Saudi Arabia’s a statement, the International Humanist and Ethical Union called Badawi’s punishment “savage, and an absolute violation of human rights and dignity” intended to cow other […]
Second Gun(wo)man at Grocery Escaped – Now Unclear Whether Coulibaly was Killed
Will Je suis Charlie morph into Je suis Juifs?
Deceased Kouachi Brothers, Amedy Coulibaly and Person of Interest Hayat Boumeddiene Last night, I spent time preparing a set of suggested questions for two guests on Sunday’s Lisa Benson […]
The Original Mohammed Cartoons in Jyllands-Posten
The Kouchari brothers are dead
Both Hostage Situations Linked – Both Possibly Stormed by Police
Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Ansar Al-Sharia, The Islah Party And Al-Qaeda
And the secessionists in Aden. Here.
The Kosher Market, The Killings So Far, And Amedy Coullibaly
For John Lloyd, It’s Up To Europeans To Show Restraint, To Understand Muslim Needs And So On
It’s up to Europeans, is the suave implication, to avoid “those who would divide us” like Nigel Farage, and Marine Le Pen, and Geert Wilders — even though they are […]
Clear Days on the Religious Front
The comedy of modern “atheism” takes a merry twist lately in the jottings of Mr. Phil Zuckerman, professional unbeliever and counselor of those-with-nowhere-else-to-turn. Unwilling to be regarded as an atheist of common […]