The Iconoclast
The Peters Principle on the Middle East Conflict
Few writers on the Arab-Israeli dispute have had as striking an impact as did Joan Peters, who died on January 5, 2015. Her book, From Time Immemorial, published in 1984, has […]
Equating Prudence with Cowardice
How long would it take for a Western journalist to blame the Charlie Hebdo murders on French colonialism and journalistic insensitivity to the feelings of Muslims? Not nearly as long, […]
Bill Maher on Charlie Hebdo Massacre
Head-on Collision at Charlie Hebdo
12 DEAD, 20 WOUNDED Paris, 8 January 2015 Nidra Poller Clash of civilizations, star wars, the big bang, a certain idea of France was murdered in cold blood on […]
Paris suspect linked to Finsbury Park mosque
From the
France Terror: ‘Two Dead Amid Hostage Siege’
Shi’a And Sunnis In Savage And Infelix Arabia
A photograph of the Islam-addled savages — I think Houthis, for their Al Qaeda enemies are even more savage and wild-eyed — is placed appositely before the text of the […]
This Is Not A Horror Movie, But Islamic State Reality
Muslims waiting for their share of the Yezidi girls seized to serve as their sex slaves. Here.
The New York Times Removed Mention Of The Qur’an And Islam From Survivor Sigolene Vinson’s Account — Why?
An important story, and question, that must be asked again and again, not just in the press but on television, until an answer — not a satisfactory answer for there […]
So Where Are The Muslim Demonstrations?
There are five or six or seven million Muslims in France. Several days have passed since the latest murders of French people by Muslims in France. I’ve been watching French […]
"You Must Convert To Islam, Read The Qur’an, And Cover Your Head"
This is what Sigolene Vinson was told by one of the killers.
What The Prof Told His Students At The Lycee Lavoisier
Watch, and listen, here.
A Frenchman Asks: What Are All These Muslims Doing In Our Midst?
rrr333 | 8 janvier 2015 23h35 | Répondre C’est quand même effarant de voir l’énergie déployée tout azimut par nos politiques et media, pour tourner autour du pot, couper les […]
Michael Mannheimer On The German Media’s Role In Promoting Islamisation
Ivan Rioufol Won’t Endure Any More Nonsense, And Rokhaya Diallo Is Left In Tears
Listen here.
Ivan Rioufol On La France Angélique
La France angélique est la vraie menace Le danger islamiste en France? Fantasmes xénophobes! La nation invivable? Élucubrations réactionnaires! Dans l’univers cotonneux de la Hollandie, où les peurs sont bruyamment […]