The Iconoclast

Is Israel Already the Fifty-First State?
By Roger L Simon Guilt is known to be a Jewish trait and I have to admit I am not immune to it. This is my fifth visit to Israel, […]

Hamas Keeps Breaking Their Treaty with Israel
By Phyliss Chesler Disgusted, Not Surprised But, I am beyond pissed. The non-submission of the names of the Israeli hostages until later than agreed upon. The non-delivery of the living […]

George Galloway Died for our Sins
By Gary Fouse I missed this story at the time, but old George Galloway, the laughing stock of the British Parliament, made another boffo statement back in October when he described […]

What Freud Said to Einstein and Why Books Are My Salvation
By Phyllis Chesler Welcome to my secret life. After I’ve done trolling the dark side all day and for a good part of the night, I try to relax by […]

Annex Canada, Eh? Not So Fast
By Conrad Black As a Canadian, I commend to American readers the desirability of avoiding unnecessary friction with that country. It is almost impossible to distinguish an English-speaking Canadian (as […]

Where is the Bibas Family?
Lets drown X (and elsewhere in the interweb) with a million posts consisting of 5 words: “Where is the Bibas Family?”

Trump and His New Frenemies, Abroad and at Home
By Victor Davis Hanson President Trump recently gave a video talk to the World Economic Forum (WEF) assemblage in Davos. He expressed fondness for Europe. He praised many for their […]

The Left Gave Us Trump 2.0 And they’re not going to like it.
By Glenn Harlan Reynolds My New York Post column, which should be online tomorrow, opens with this quote from Marc Andreessen: I go on from there to talk about how Trump is following my […]

A former Muslim’s analysis of Israel’s “intelligence failure” behind the OCtober 7th attack
By Geoffrey Clarfield This is research done by a former Muslim and sincere friend of the Jewish people and Israel. I worked, lived and have visited Israel since Oslo and […]

Apt, Vaucluse, France: knife attacker shouting “Allah Akbar” in a supermarket, injures two
From Le Journal du Dimanche who got it from AFP. I can’t see anything in the English language press yet, so this is a paraphrase from the French. Yesterday evening, […]

Early Evolution of Religion
One naturally looks with sympathy on the struggles of our distant ancestors trying to make sense of their precarious existence, then toward the end of this paper we read: Modern […]

The insidious BDS campaign trying to undermine our universities
By Conrad Black As the United States officially abandons the diversity, equity and inclusion agenda as the institutionalized bigotry that most of it is, and Harvard University has banned reasonably […]

This Year in Jerusalem
By Roger L Simon I am on a crowded plane from Budapest to Ben Gurion Airport. Flights into Israel are fewer these days hence every seat is taken, Some of […]

Sadiq Khan continues to wriggle and evade a straight answer
Readers will remember that last week the Leader of London Conservatives Susan Hall tried to pin down Sadiq Khan (I will not call him Sir) on the subject of Grooming […]

DEI’s Demise
By Theodore Dalrymple Most people are inclined to suppose that if there were justice in the world, they would be better off. This, of course, is the merest prejudice. Hamlet […]

The Mess of Anti-Semitism in Canada
By Geoffrey Clarfield James Pew and his colleagues at Wokewatch have their fingers on the pulse of Canadian society. He is a proud cultural Christian, friend of the Jewish people […]