The Iconoclast

‘Spitting on the graves of Jewish victims’: Terrorist to teach social justice at Canadian uni
From the Jerusalem Post. Geoffrey Clarfield says “This is the state of Canadian (government funded) Universities” A man convicted of terrorism and sentenced to life for his involvement in the […]

Thank God! President Obama Will Not Enjoy a Fourth Term
By Phyllis Chesler Thank God! The more gracious of the two candidates has won. Presidential character was deemed a very important test of one’s suitability for office. President Trump was […]

Kamala Harris
By Willliam Corden Now she can really go to work at McDonalds 😊.

How We’re Feeling This Morning

Why was I the only reporter? On the sentencing of the Rotherham grooming gang
Charlie Peters of GB News writing in The Critic I go to a lot of sentencings in my job as national reporter at GB News. In decaying court buildings across […]

The Morning After
By G. Murphy Donovan The most dangerous man for any government is the man who is able to think things out…and comes to the conclusion that the government he lives […]

Big Losers of Election 2024 — “Celebrities”
From Roger L Simon Am I the only one who has had enough of so-called “celebrities” to last a lifetime or six? I have begun to think of them as […]

Academic Feminists Ponder “Whiteness and Palestine.”
By Phyllis Chesler Women’s Studies today–what can I say except: What I’m about to write belongs in the category of “You Can’t Make This Stuff Up.” A Women’s Studies list, […]

Requiem for a Squirrel
By Bruce Bawer Ten years ago, I wrote an article that was largely about Marius, a healthy and beloved young giraffe at the Copenhagen Zoo who was euthanized after zoo officials declared […]

Canada’s Health-Care System Is in Desperate Need of Reform
By Conrad Black It is a notorious fact that the Canadian health-care system is a shambles, and yet, until recent promising developments in Ontario, and apart from some toleration of […]

Refugees from Communist Countries are The Canaries in the Coalmine
By Armando Simón What we learn from history is that we do not learn from history. —Hegel In the classic movie, Alien, the crew of a spaceship accidentally brings a […]

Terror trial opens in Paris over beheading of Samuel Paty, teacher who showed prophet cartoons
From France 24 and Ouest France Eight people went on trial in Paris on terrorism charges Monday over the beheading of teacher Samuel Paty, who was killed by an Islamic extremist after showing caricatures of Islam’s prophet […]

More on Pedro Blas González views on “Brave New World”
By William Corden I originally posted this as a comment on Pedro’s essay but I thought it might be suitable as an actual blog post Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World: […]

From ‘Clingers’ to ‘Garbage’—Why the 16 years of Vilification?
By Victor Davis Hanson Who actually are the “garbage” people? Are they one and the same with Joe Biden’s “semi-fascists,” “chumps,” and “dregs of society?” Or Barack Obama’s “clingers?” Do […]

After Iran Strike is Israel the Strong Horse in the Middle East?
By Jerry Gordon and Brig. General (US Army Retired) John Adams Jerry Gordon, a Senior Editor of The New English Review, invited retired US Army Brig. General John Adams to […]

Thoughts on the Post Election
By Glenn Harlan Reynolds So Trump can win on Tuesday, or he can lose. Let’s spend a little time on what happens either way. First, a Trump win. Trump will […]