The Iconoclast

The Ordeal and Triumph of Mr. Netanyahu
By Victor Davis Hanson After the October 7 massacres, the obituaries of the long political career of Benjamin Netanyahu, published both in Israel and in the West, became orthodox. He […]

Please Answer My Burning Questions
By Phyllis Chesler Iran (good), Israel (bad), Trump (worse)–read all about it in the New York Times Did you see Michelle #Obama stump for Kamala #Harris? She is really one […]

Is Donald Trump One of the X-Men?
By Armando Simón What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. —Friedrich Nietzsche In the fictional “Marvel universe,” there is a mutant who has a unique power. He is immune to […]

The Wisdom of Sir Moses Montefiore
By Geoffrey Clarfield Today we commemorate the birthday of Sir Moses Montefiore, born on Oct. 24, 1784, and who passed away peacefully in England on July 28, 1885. He was […]

Rogan Interview: Why Late-Night Hosts Hate Trump
By Roger L Simon No wonder Stephen Colbert, Jimmy Kimmel, Trevor Noah and assorted comic/hosts, pick almost any, late night or not, hate Donald Trump As evidenced in his Joe […]

The Garden of Eden
The early history of mankind has been shrouded in mystery. Fragments have come down to us but are regarded as myth. The Urantia Book fills in these gaps and clarifies […]

Truck ramming terror attack hits Israel
From the Jerusalem Post and the Telegraph Some 37 people were wounded to various degrees after a truck rammed into a bus stop near Glilot in central Israel on Sunday, […]

A disgraceful attack on free speech
By Conrad Black Once again, commentators in friendly countries throughout the western world are expressing sincere alarm over whether Canada has succumbed to terminal wokeness and is voluntarily and by […]

Has the world learned anything in a year?
By Matthew Hausman One year later, Israel finds herself fighting an existential war on seven fronts, while the wider world portrays her as an aggressor in need of taming. Op-ed. […]

Unite the Kingdom. London today
By Esmerelda Weatherwax (aka a “far-right thug“) To Westminster for the second Unite the Kingdom rally organised by T0mmy R0binson to address the many ills that beset the country. It […]

The Will to Outrage
By Theodore Dalrymple No one, I imagine, would include a speech by Donald Trump in an anthology of succinctness or political eloquence. Whether he is too lazy to organize his […]

More on Beauty vs brutalism
By William Corden I think they let all of the progressive architects loose in Vancouver! There have been about six new houses built on our street in the last 18 […]

Symposium on Walter E. Block’s and Alan G. Futerman’s ‘The Classical Liberal Case for Israel’
COSMOS + TAXIS hosts a “Symposium on Walter E. Block‘s and Alan G. Futerman’s The Classical Liberal Case for Israel” in their most recent issue. Contributors include Ran Baratz, […]

T0mmy Robins0n in custody ahead of tomorrow’s Unite the Kingdom rally
T0mmy R0bins0n has handed his X account over to trusted admins. He returned to England earlier this week and was required to report to the police at 3pm this afternoon. […]

Ouch! They Still Get You Where It Hurts Most
By Reg Green A friend wrote the other day that having retired from regular work he pays attention for the first time to the daily closing price of the Dow Jones […]

Even If Trump Wins, There’s a Long Road Ahead
By Roger L Simon Donald Trump likes to tell us he can solve America’s demonstrable problems lickety-split. There are many things he can do quickly, in days if not hours, […]