The Iconoclast

Is This What We Can Expect Every October 7th?
by Gary Fouse As predicted, the one–year– anniversary of October 7th was met with pro–Palestinian mobs commemorating the wrong victims (their own) if not outright celebrating the monstrous attacks carried […]

Child-trafficking scandal is test of electorate engagement
by Steve Hecht Failure to react to scandalous government abuse of power will destroy freedom by giving power to corrupt tyrants. There is no greater scandal than the Biden-Harris regime […]

Amazon criticised as Tommy Robinson book tops bestseller chart
From The Guardian: Amazon has been accused of funnelling “thousands of pounds into the pockets of Britain’s best known far-right extremist” after Tommy Robinson’s latest book topped its bestseller charts. […]

My Film Interview About Evil
by Phyllis Chesler Like so many, I am no longer as young as I once was. (Imagine that!) Therefore, it takes me a bit longer to do everything, including prepare […]

Sadiq Khan under fire for allowing advert of Islamic preacher burning dollars on Tube
From The Telegraph Transport for London (TfL) has been criticised for allowing adverts on tubes and buses that show a controversial Islamic preacher holding a briefcase full of burning US […]

My Non-Woke Personal Library and Its Saving Virtues, Part 11
It’s been an eleven week tour through Geoffrey Clarfield’s bookshelves. What a ride. Which installment was your favorite? For me it was a toss up between “Anthropology,” “History,” and “Music.” […]

The Communists Are Just Not Going to Hand Over Power
by Armando Simón The Communists are going to win this election. This time they will probably not resort to the degree of outright, in-your-face electoral fraud as was the case […]

The Conventional Wisdom That This Is a Close Election Is Starting to Fray
If allowance is made for the fact that the Democrats carry California and New York by almost 5 million more votes than the Republicans comfortably carry Texas, Florida, and Tennessee, […]

Outrage as Wikipedia changes grooming gangs article to ‘moral panic’ from the ‘Far-Right’
Wokepedia strikes again. From GBN with thanks to Robert Harris. The Wikipedia page for the national grooming gangs scandal has had its title updated to describe it as a “moral […]

Will Putin sign a mutual defense treaty with Iran?
by Lev Tsitrin Russia’s Putin is scheduled to meet with Iran’s president on Friday in Turkmenistan. According to “Yury Ushakov, Putin’s aide on foreign policy ,,, “This meeting has great […]

Being a Diaspora Jew on Oct 7, 2024
by Roger L. Simon I am a diaspora Jew, meaning a Jew who lives outside Israel, for those who may not know what that is. It is the afternoon of […]

Finding a Cure for Psychology
by Theodore Dalrymple Claims to understanding are not understanding itself: indeed, sometimes it is far from clear what understanding would consist of. As the Haitian peasants say, behind mountains, more […]

Imam calls Israel ‘a racist project’ days before Oct 7 anniversary
From the Telegraph An Islamic preacher called Israel a “racist European Zionist project” in a sermon to worshippers at a London mosque days before the first anniversary of the Oct 7 attacks. […]

Timeless Truths For Each High Holiday Season
by Gerald A. Honigman At a time when our older children witness–if not actually participate in–the vilification of Israel and Zionism inside and outside the classroom on the typical […]

An Unexpected Benefit of Post-Zionism
Woken unto death. by Ehud Neor Things are happening too fast to start with analysis of this the latest flare-up of Israel’s War of Independence. Still, we cannot help ourselves […]

When Is Blowing Up the World A Success?
by Victor Davis Hanson Recently, Secretary of State Antony Blinken bragged in an op-ed that “The Biden administration’s strategy has put the United States in a much stronger geopolitical position […]