The Iconoclast
United States National Security and North Korea
by Michael Curtis The international political and economic system is more likely to remain stable when a particular state is the dominant power or hegemon, able to dominate the rules […]
May Day in Paris
Three women arrested over ‘active terror plot’ in fresh raids linked to Willesden op
From the
Derek Holloway, A Podsnap For the Present Age
by Hugh Fitzgerald Here is the story, in the only version acceptable to the British media, the one that malevolently misrepresents the truth of the matter: Parents should be banned […]
The Questionable Case for Lifting Sudan Sanctions: Testimonies of Sudan Resistance Leaders-Part 3
Mr. Sodi Ibrahim, Executive Director of the Sudan Relief and Rehabilitation Agency (SRRA-N) and Yunan Musa Kunda, SSRA-N External Relationship Coordinator by Jerry Gordon and Deborah Martin On April 26, […]
Art Under — And Out From Under — Islam (Part III)
by Hugh Fitzgerald As discussed in Jihad Watch.
Exclusive: Downing Street suspect was ‘White Beast’ jihadi’s friend
The terror suspect arrested with a bag full of knives in Westminster was close friends with a British jihadist who died fighting for an Islamist terror group in Africa, the […]
The Center Will Hold in France
by Michael Curtis French electors have sent a message to traditional political parties, we can get along without you very well. Instead, the country in the second round of voting […]
The Questionable Case for Lifting Sudan Sanctions: Testimonies of Sudan Resistance Leaders-Part 2
Testimony of Gen. General Abdalaziz Adam Alhilu, SPLA/N General commander/Chief of staff of SPLA/N and Deputy Chairman of the SPLM by Jerry Gordon and Deborah Martin On April 26, 2017, […]
Art – Under And Out From Under – Islam (Part II)
by Hugh Fitzgerald If those who work in our museums want to enlighten audiences about Muslims and Art, they should consider two aspects of the subject that have received practically […]
The Europeans are smug as ever, but have less and less reason to be
by Conrad Black I have just returned from Europe, where there has been an irritating outburst of complacency over recent political events there, from quarters with no right to indulge […]
The Questionable Case for Lifting Sudan Sanctions: Testimonies of Sudan Resistance Leaders-Part 1
General Abakar M. Abdallah of Sudan United Movement by Jerry Gordon and Deborah Martin Janjaweed militia members On April 26, 2017, the US House of Representatives Subcommittee on Africa, Global […]
"Free Speech" at UC Berkeley
by Gary Fouse It seems like a century ago that a young man named Mario Savio launched something called the “Free Speech Movement” at the University of California at Berkeley. […]
Unleashing Arrogance, Complacency, and Mediocrity
by Theodore Dalrymple Unleashing Demons: The Inside Story of Brexit is one of the worst books on any subject that I have read in a long time. It is a […]
Art Under — And Out From Under — Islam (Part I)
by Hugh Fitzgerald Saloua Raouda Choucair, Poem Wall, 1963–65. This past February, Art News published an article about an exhibit at MoMA (the Museum of Modern Art) that it described […]
Guatemala Violates Foreign-Aid Agreement
US Ambassador, UN Commissioner Work against Alliance for Prosperity Objectives by Steven Hecht Attorney General Thelma Aldana and Cicig Commissioner Iván Velásquez interact with members of Congress during a session […]