The Iconoclast
Terrorist accused of killing a British student will be paid £800 a month by the Palestinian government which receives £25m-a-year UK foreign aid
here. IAN BIRRELL: Why a UK woman’s murder in Israel should boil your blood and make you rethink foreign aid, Mrs May
Allahu Akbar, let’s behead a screw: Blood-curdling cry issued by a Muslim extremist who plotted to murder a warder
A jailed jihadi was put in segregation for plotting to behead prison guards – but a judge has ruled that the move breached his human rights.Nadir Syed, 24, was placed […]
Prime Minister Theresa May Takes the Lead
by Michael Curtis Perhaps the most disagreeable trait in Machiavelli’s controversial writings were his misogynous comments on women. In The Prince, published in 1532 but written earlier, he wrote, “Fortune is […]
Tennessee Department of Health Says Female Genital Mutilation Is Not Our Problem
I hope the Justice Department steps in and straightens this out. This barbaric practice has no place in our society and must be eradicated quickly and completely. State government agencies […]
Husband And Wife Arrested For Performing Female Genital Mutilation At Detroit-Area Clinic
Jeff Sessions’ Justice Department is rounding up this entire FGM ring. I hope the come down hard and make a strong example of them. Chuck Ross writes at theThe mosque’s website […]
A Field Day For Fatuity in Fresno
by Hugh Fitzgerald “Fresno Muslims, faith leaders call shooter’s ‘Allahu Akbar’ cry a crime against Islam,” by Carmen George, a violent shooting spree that killed three people in Fresno and […]
Machete-wielding man shouting Allahu Akbar shot down by cops in The Hague
Europe needs to get with the deportation program. France had 16,000 known wolves running around. Help create the safe zones in Syria, deport the troublemakers first. It can be done. […]
Paris shooting: Marine Le Pen calls for all French terror suspects to be expelled after Champs Elysees attack
The latest news from the could suggest it was an Isil directed, rather than inspired, attack. Cheurfi had been detained in February for questioning in a police station in Meaux, outside […]
Paris attack: police officer and suspect shot dead on Champs Elysees; IS claims responsibility
Live updates from the Telegraph The Local A French police officer was killed on Thursday and another left fighting for his life after an apparent terrorist shooting on the famous […]
French Presidential Campaign: Part 3
by Nidra Poller The outstretched hand The hagadah that is read during the pesach [Passover] seder is an intensely concentrated treatise on the subject of freedom. Something similar is happening […]
Silence in Paris
What does it mean when no one talks about a brutal murder? byTheodore Dalrymple As every married person knows, silences can be pregnant with meaning, even if the meaning is […]
Fake Poetry
by David Solway We hear a lot about fake news these days; practically nothing we read in the mainstream media can be trusted or taken at face value. This […]
The United States Fights Terrorism in Afghanistan
by Michael Curtis Ever since Alexander the Great in 330 B.C. tried to subdue the area of Afghanistan and encountered resistance, the area has been either the graveyard of empires […]
Rabbi Schloss, Texas Taqiyya, and A Shabbat That’s Fairly Shalom
by Hugh Fitzgerald Rabbi Deborah Schloss and Iman Shaykh Ibrahim Ezghair Rabbi Deborah Schloss
If it walks like a duck…
Here is story about a black Muslim man walking around Fresno, calmly shooting random people who happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. When confronted by […]
A Jesuit’s Reflection on Islam
Sandro Magister writes in