The Iconoclast
The Enlightenment has mutated, and this threatens our civilization
by Conrad Black The Weimar Court of the Muses by Theobald von Oer in 1860, 55 years after Schiller‘s death in 1805, this oil painting was produced of a reading […]
Channel 4 news in London this afternoon
The Channel 4 reporter, having the power of the press on his side got closer than we did today. Watch
We Are Not Afraid ~ March to support the victims of terrorism.
To Westminster for a march called at short notice as members of the EDL wanted to show their support for the victims of terrorism, following the vehicle and knife attack […]
World Over – 2017-03-30– Terrorism and the West, Walid Phares with Raymond Arroyo
“Should We Blame Islam For Terrorism?”
by Hugh Fitzgerald This is the rhetorical question — “no” being the only conceivable response — that the Iranian-born David Shariatmadari, now living in the U.K., asked in
A Defense of the Arts
by Michael Curtis Why should the U.S. Federal Government subsidize the arts? Does it or should it divert public funds from military or security concerns to support ballet? Art and […]
Muslims protest with street prayer in Paris over closure of mosque
From AP via the Daily Mail and
Belgian King: “Let Us Dare to Be More Tender”
by Gary Fouse On March 22, Belgium’s King Philippe marked the one-year anniversary of the murderous terrorist attack in Brussels that killed 32 people at the Brussels airport and subway. […]
The United States and Britain fight anti-Israeli Bias at the UN
by Michael Curtis British Prime Minister Theresa May is making history from which there is no turning back in the effort to restore what she called “our national self-determination” after […]
Guatemalan Politico Questions Disabilities Law, May Lose Congressional Immunity
Unusual Case Raises Specter of Muzzling the Opposition by Fergus Hodgson Complainant Rosa Ilda Aldana thanks US Ambassador Todd Robinson after a meeting at the embassy. (Fernando Linares, a list […]
Does the arrest of a Turkish State Bank official in New York further complicate US Turkey Relations?
by Jerry Gordon Mehmet Hakan Atilla (R), a deputy general manager of Halkbank, is shown in this court room sketch with his attorney Gerald J. DiChiara (C) as he appears […]
‘The Tyranny of Group Self-Righteousness’
The campus fascists who are now suppressing conservative views have been using those tactics against pro-Israel speakers for years by Richard L. Cravatts, PhD When Chester Evans Finn, Jr., a […]
Italian police break up alleged jihadist cell that planned to attack Venice’s Rialto Bridge
From the
Ignore Him at Your Peril
Excellent cover story on Richard L. Rubenstein in
Makers, Fakers, & Takers
by Richard Kostelanetz Especially in the north of Israel the traveler can visually identify the border by land that is cultivated for agriculture. On the other side of the border, […]
Hirsi Ali’s Policy Recommendations for Trump Administration
Ayaan Hirsi Ali writes at the