The Iconoclast
How to be a PC creep
by Theodore Dalrymple There was a time in my life, many years ago, when people were not expected to boast about their accomplishments: indeed, they were expected not to boast […]
Correcting the Media Narrative on Illegal Immigration
The Hill Overlooks Opportunity to Strike the Root in Guatemala by Steve Hecht Migrants ride the “Beast” or “Train of Death” through Mexico on their way to the United States […]
Geert Wilders’ Post-election Statement:: "The Genie cannot be put back in the bottle"
Dear friends, Yesterday, the Party for Freedom (PVV) gained 33% and rose from 15 to 20 seats. That is a result to be proud of. However, Prime Minister […]
Did Geert Wilders win by losing?
Geert Wilders at Protest Rally, January 23, 2017 Geert Wilders of the Dutch Freedom Party (PVV) lost in the March 15, 2017 elections to Mark Rutte of the conservative Freedom […]
One Minute and 33 Seconds, Or Pauline Hanson Ill-Prepared
by Hugh Fitzgerald Pauline Hanson, the Australian politician and leader of the One Nation Party, two days ago called for a referendum to change her country’s Constitution, so that section […]
Three men charged over Uppsala ‘Facebook rape video’
From the Swedish edition of
Was Mahatma Gandhi Racist?
by Saurabh Jha When I was a child, my parents tried writing my future. They told me that I would become a doctor, have an arranged marriage, and worship Mahatma […]
Pinpointing the Exact Moment John McCain Lost His Mind
It’s hard, I know, but he just said the Rand Paul was working for Vladimir Putin because he wouldn’t go along with a bill to bring Montenegro into NATO. Sen. […]
PODCAST: Listen to Israel News Talk Radio- Beyond the Matrix, Latest Show::
Rep. Steve King Holds Panel: ‘Condemning the Genocide of Minorities in the Middle East’
Washington, D.C. – Congressman Steve King announced today that he, along with Dr. Walid Phares, will be hosting a panel commemorating the 1-year anniversary of the U.S. Department of State […]
Troubled Dawn of the 21st Century
by Nidra Poller TROUBLED DAWN OF THE 21st CENTURY BUY NOW IN PAPERBACK “…a new world order is taking shape before our eyes. Will it be a world faithful to […]
Why Do So Many Muslims Hate Dogs?
by Hugh Fitzgerald A Muslim taxi-driver in England, one Abandi Kassim, was recently fined for refusing to take on a blind passenger’s seeing-eye dog because, as Kassim claimed: “For me, […]
If Geert Wilders’ wins today could there be a political crisis in The Netherlands?
by Jerry Gordon Geert Wilders at final election debates March 13, 2017 Source: AP: Phil Nijhuis On Israel News Talk Radio’s -Beyond the Fringe program this week listen here , […]
Twitter accounts hacked by ‘Turkish government supporters’ – with anti-Dutch messages
From Financial Times Twitter accounts, including that of Amnesty International, have been hacked by a group claiming to support the Turkish government. The hack resulted in the accounts sending tweets condemning […]
The Russia Insinuation Collapses
Trump wins again, but now faces policy challenges. by Conrad Black The ignominious collapse of the Democratic claims and insinuations that Donald Trump was improperly connected to the Russian government […]
EU Court ruling on headscarf bans
From the German edition of