The Iconoclast
Apostate accuses Oxford University of Islamic Bias
Christina brought this to my attention. It started in the elsewhere; also the Michael Nazir-Ali, former Bishop of Rochester and until last year a senior fellow at Wycliffe Hall. He […]
Happiness for Transgenders?
by Rebecca Bynum As I grow older, it has become apparent to me that spiritual growth contains the key to happiness, but as we grow in the spirit, we also […]
NSW, Australia: Lebanese-Background Muslim Arrested After Advising Islamic State on Missile Detection and Development
He was an electrician based on a property in a country district. As more and more Muslims spread out into Australia’s rural and regional areas – or are foolishly encouraged […]
“Piranha Jihadophiles” Savage White House Scholar Gorka…on Iran’s Orders?
by John Hajjar We often watch gangs of journalists attack President Donald Trump unfairly, repetitively and viciously using erroneous assertions and imaginary scenes, only to see the commander-in-chief ferociously decimate […]
Cut Off Illegal Immigration at the Source
Guatemala Presents the Opportunity, but Heads Must Roll by Steve Hecht US Ambassador Todd Robinson (left) sits in on the meeting between Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly and Guatemalan President Jimmy […]
More Tools, Less Understanding
Thoughts on the surgeon general’s report on addiction by Theodore Dalrymple The brain disease model of addiction,” written by three eminent researchers in the field, published in 2015 in the […]
Bresson on Bresson: Interviews 1943-1983, New York Review Books, 2016
by Shmuel Ben-Gad Almost everyone, it seems, tends to view film as simply a variant of theatre, though different, of course, in that film makes it far easier to change […]
Does Natalie Portman Have a Long Nose?
by Michael Curtis Donald Trump is now Commander-in Chief in the U.S. and has begun issuing his commands. On February 21, 2017 with an explanation he issued one of them, […]
The Deep State and the Creep State
by G. Murphy Donovan Regime change zealots are now working the home front. Billy Kristol, erstwhile editor of white blight and right fright at the Weekly Standard, says that he […]
Signs of Terminal Illness
From forced marriage to alcoholic excess, Britain’s airports display the symptoms of cultural rot. by Theodore Dalrymple My wife recently sent me a photograph of a police notice in bright […]
Heidelberg pedestrians rammed by car; police shoot attacker
The Case against Obama
The Crux of the Matter Is Not Nativity but Documentation by David Solway A Highly Problematic Dossier It was obvious to me when I first began studying the phenomenally popular […]
General McMaster and That “Perverted Interpretation of Religion Used To Justify Violence”
by Hugh Fitzgerald President Trump has chosen Lt. General William McMaster as his new National Security Adviser. As a three-star general, McMaster’s appointment will require Senate confirmation, and one hopes […]
London terror arrests: Met charges five teenagers
From the BBC and the London Evening Standard Islamic State in Syria and Iraq. The Met’s counter terror detectives are investigating alleged plans by the teenagers, four of whom are […]
Muslim BBC boss who put an Islamic State backer on a reality show is rewarded with a promotion as she becomes head of religious TV
From the
Parliament can’t simply demand people feel good about Islam
by Conrad Black Liberal MP Iqra Khalid is congratulated by colleagues as she speaks about her anti-Islamophobia motion on Feb. 15, 2017. There are several problems with the House of […]