The Iconoclast
Not ‘Lone Wolves’ After All: How ISIS Guides Plots by Remote Control
Rukmini Callimachi writes in the
Australia: Somali Muslim To Stand Trial Over Attacks on Infidel Sex Workers
As reported by Georgia Hitch for Australia’s ABC, yesterday. ‘Canberra Man to Stand Trial Over String of Sex Worker Attacks’. That is – “Canberra-Resident Muslim Man to Stand Trial […]
Canada Should Now Move Beyond Being a Middle Power
by Conrad Black I have been trying desperately to find a Canadian subject to write about and am as fatigued with the Trump story as are some grumbling readers. It […]
Sanctions on Iran
by Michael Curtis If the threat of Islamist terrorism is the major issue threatening the world, the Islamic Republic of Iran comes a close second. Its geo-political prominence, economic and […]
Putting Iran on Notice
When uncertainty is our friend. by Kenneth Timmerman The announcement from National Security Advisor Lieutenant General Michael Flynn on Wednesday that the Trump administration was “putting Iran on notice” after […]
“I’m a Muslim — Ask Me Anything,” Answers 7-10
by Hugh Fitzgerald Answers 1-6 here. 7. Muslims often claim that Muhammad only attacked in self-defense. Among the clear exceptions to that claim was his attack on the inoffensive farmers […]
Over at Times of Israel, However, Rebecca Bermeister Is Anything But a Dozy Bint: No ‘Solidarity Hijab’ for Her
An article published on January 25 this year that addresse itself to the many foolish Infidel females who donned hijab when participating in the anti-Trump marches of recent date, but […]
Dozy Bints Doing the Bidding of Dawa-Peddling Hijabettes – "World Hijab Day"
As reported with enthusiasm by Australia’s reliably-Islamophile ABC, just yesterday. How I would like to grab the participating infidel fools by the scruffs of their necks and make them sit […]
French soldier shoots man with machetes in ‘terror attack’ near Louvre
From the French edition of The
GAO report Raises Questions about how many of 22,000 “potentially dangerous travelers” entered the US
We must come together’: Muslim leaders in rallying cry ahead of ‘Stop Trump’s Muslim Ban’ protest
From the
Time to Overhaul the University of California
by Gary Fouse Wednesday night’s riot at the University of California at Berkeley, which forced cancellation of yet another speaking appearance by conservative gay pundit Milo Yiannopoulos, is the final […]
Kuwait issues its own Trump-esque visa ban for five Muslim-majority countries
From Citizens from five Muslim-majority countries will no longer be able to obtain Kuwaiti visas, after reports the Gulf state issued tight entry restrictions that mirrored US President Donald Trump’s Muslim […]
Shouts of ‘Allahu Akbar’ erupt in court as Rotherham men JAILED for child sex abuse
From the Sheffield Telegraph A WOMAN who was sexually exploited by a number of men in Rotherham from the age of 11 and made pregnant when she was 12 has […]
Why Democrats are Declaring War on Trump: They’re Terrified
by Kenneth Timmerman In a panic over their unexpected losses in November, Senate Democrats have declared war on Donald Trump It’s not just Senate Democratic Leader Charles Schumer’s (N.Y.) pledge […]
Walid Phares, Trump Campaign Foreign Policy Advisor, Rehired as Fox National Security Expert
by Rebecca Bynum Fox News has re-hired Dr. Walid Phares for his tenth year with the network as its “National Security and Foreign Policy Expert” after having served as a foreign policy advisor […]