The Iconoclast
by Theodore Dalrymple I usually give a few coins to beggars in the street. I know that some people think that this encourages beggary and even fraud, but I would […]
‘Trust me’ Doesn’t Cut It on Russian Hacking Claim
by Kenneth Timmerman Here’s the real problem with the joint intelligence report on alleged Russian hacking: without the classified details, we ordinary citizens are supposed to take the breathless allegations, […]
Bethnal Green Islamic school slammed by Ofsted for ‘book on how women should behave’
From the
Religious extremists ARE infiltrating other schools in the same way as in the Trojan Horse scandal, integration tsar Louise Casey warns MPs
Different newspapers have picked up on different aspects of Dame Louise’s report; the
Why Trump Needs to Clean House in Central America
by Steven Hecht Taxpayers are on the hook for $750 million annually for five years to Central America, but under current circumstances, US foreign officials will squander the money. […]
Fears over Irish ISIS links
From the
Jerusalem ramming attack: Four killed as truck slams into crowd
targeted Israeli soldiers – 4 killed (3 were female soldiers), 15 wounded. He was an ISIS supporter according to authorities in Israel. 5 more suspects arrested.
Move the United States Embassy to Jerusalem
by Michael Curtis Since 1993 citizens of New York City have had a sister city in Israel named Jerusalem. On December 5, 1949 the Israeli government declared Jerusalem the capital […]
Incitement to Hypocrisy
by Theodore Dalrymple The Bourbons, said Talleyrand, learned nothing and forgot nothing. Sometimes it seems as if our modern liberals are just like the Bourbons. Here, for example, is a […]
British Media Notices That Some Australians are Preparing to Resist Islamisation, Reports on the "Q Society"
As per Rebecca Perring, for “The Express”. “It’s Not Merely a Religion”. Secret Party Vowing to “reduce Islam” Soars in Popularity.’ “A secretive (no: ‘a sensibly security-conscious’ – CM) organisation has […]
Women under Sharia
by John Constantine In 2015 the Center for Security Policy polled American Muslims concerning their preference for Islamic Sharia law or United States Constitutional law. An astounding 51% of American […]
Canadians will eventually warm up to Trump. Until then, stop treating him like a monster
by Conrad Black An instant industry has developed in Canada about how to adjust to a Trump presidency, as if the nature of the United States has metamorphosed instantly and […]
Austrian FM pushes for Islamic headscarf ban for all public servants
How the UN is trying to sneak its unCanadian ‘values’ into Canadian schools
by Geoffrey Clarfield Millennials are enamoured by the United Nations. Consider the young undergrad, Antonio Soriano who is the UNESCO Delegate for the Harvard National Model United Nations of 2017. […]
UN Security Council Res. 2334: A Victory of Jihadism
by Bat Ye’or Led astray from their primary mission, these international organizations have become tools of corruption or terrorism, reinforcing global Islamic power. Those who vote are heads of […]
Iran built on stolen property — Trump should take it back
by Kenneth Timmerman President-elect Donald Trump was right during the campaign to $100 billion of frozen oil revenues (some say, Resolution. This will make its undoing more complicated than some analysts […]