The Iconoclast
New Year Speech to the Muslim World
by Nonie Darwish By Western standards, military rule is shunned as an oppressive form of government, but in the Islamic world it is the only buffer of protection from the […]
Prince Charles and Islam’s “Sacred Spirituality”
by Hugh Fitzgerald On December 13th, at Wilton Park, the Prince of Wales explained how the Muslim critique of materialism helped him to rediscover the sacred spirituality of Islam and […]
Like a Candle In Berlin
by Theodore Dalrymple A moment used to be defined as the amount of time between a Mexico City traffic light turning green and the sound of the first car horn, […]
Istanbul attack: 35 killed as gunmen ‘dressed as Santa’ opens fire at nightclub in Turkey
This is Reuters and
EXCLUSIVE PICS: London on Terror Lockdown for New Year’s Eve
Rachel Megawatt for
Phares: "UN attention needs to focus on global Mideast crises not just one"
Mideast Newswire Photo archive: Dr Walid Phares attending as an observer a session at the UN Security Council consecrated to the fate of minorities in the Middle East after […]
Democrats Have a Religion Problem, Or, Great Moments in Editing
He once drafted a faith-outreach fact sheet describing Obama’s views on poverty, titling it “Economic Fairness and the Least of These,” a reference to a famous teaching from Jesus in […]
A Letter to Our Readers and Contributors
by Rebecca Bynum As we come to the end of our eleventh year, I will be taking some time away from the arduous task of editing and laying out the […]
‘Depraved Indifference’ in the UN Security Council Resolution
The latest betrayal of Israel is potentially lethal in making Jews trespassers and criminals on their own land by Richard L. Cravatts The shameful and morally-incoherent December 23rd Resolution 2334 […]
Two suspected jihadists arrested in Madrid and weapons cache seized
From the Spanish edition of
About That Kerry Speech
by Gary Fouse It’s hard to find much logic behind lame-duck secretary of state
Congress Moving to Cut U.S. Funding to U.N. in Wake of Anti-Israel Vote
Adam Kredo writes in the first to disclose on Monday that senior Obama administration officials played a key role in ensuring the measure was passed unanimously by the U.N. Security Council. […]
Rotten Christmas Pudding
by Nidra Poller UNSC Resolution 2334 stinks to high heaven but don’t count on me to belabor the obvious: the stab-in-the- back American abstention is confirmation of Obama’s real intentions, […]
The Predictable Perfidy Of Obama
by Brian of London Yesterday I pointed out how hidden 2003 Obama speech at an anti-Israel event would display similar thinking. Caroline Glick again: It is not surprising that Obama […]
Voters will have to show passports to combat voter fraud in ‘vulnerable’ areas with large Muslim populations
From the
Geert Wilders’ message to Israel –“ Ignore UN, continue building”
Leave it to good friend of Israel, Geert Wilders, leader of the Dutch Freedom Party to send an important message to embattled Israel following the betrayal by President Obama […]