The Iconoclast
Tastes and Opinions
by James Como I can’t stand spinach; Hillary Clinton is beneath contempt. These are tastes. Spinach is not nutritious; Hillary Clinton should be prosecuted for dereliction of duty. These are opinions. […]
Tuesday’s ‘supermoon’ (13th) was notable by being hidden behind cloud which is pretty normal for England. However as we had had some lovely clear crisp days recently I was hopeful…The furthest […]
Second Major London Pro-Caliphate Protest In Three Days
We have countered and thwarted the machinations of Hizb ut-tahir in the past; now they operate even more secretively. However 400 attendees is a drop on previous events of theirs. […]
“The Qur’an Teaches That All Human Beings Are Equal”: Race (Part III)
by Hugh Fitzgerald But what about John Esposito’s third claim, the one that is the focus of those Dallas billboards, about the supposed “racial equality” in Islam? There are a […]
Lights Out for the Old Order
Trump has wrought a revolution by Conrad Black This is the ninth time I have witnessed, usually from afar but not this time, a party transition in the administration of […]
Setting the Record Straight on the South Sudan Protest at Trump Tower
Faith McDonnel writes in
Who Did the Hacking/Leaking?
by Gary Fouse It is pretty amusing to see the Democrats and mainstream media suddenly transform themselves into neo-cold warriors, but that’s what they have done over this Russian hacking […]
“The Qur’an Teaches That All Human Beings Are Equal”: Sex (Part II)
by Hugh Fitzgerald What about Esposito’s next claim, that “the Qur’an teaches that all human beings are equal, regardless of…sex”? Before we weigh this statement, let’s review what we know […]
12-year-old attempted to bomb Christmas market in south Germany: prosecutors
From the German edition of
Marine A – application for bail for Christmas adjourned a week.
Friends were in attendance at the Royal Courts of Justice today to support Sergeant Alex Blackman, aka Marine A in his application to be released on bail pending a fresh […]
Chelmsford sex gang trial: Pizza chef convicted of sex offences but taxi drivers cleared of rape
From the Echo The jury has returned their verdicts as the seven and a half-week trial of five men accused of being part of a Chelmsford-based sex gang has drawn […]
Drain the Intelligence Swamp!
by G. Murphy Donovan Director of National Intelligence James Clapper appeared on Public Television shortly before the presidential election for an extended interview with Charlie Rose. Mister Rose, like many […]
Chilling picture of would-be terrorists in training – at Solihull paintball centre
From the Telegraph) alongside Mohammed Ali Ahmed, Gabriel Rasmus and Abdelatif Gaini at a paintballing centre in Solihull months before border staff in Turkey sent him back to Britain. A […]
SITREP: ISIS strikes back in Syria: Seizing Palmyra, isolating Homs, threatening SDF Advance on Raqqa
Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces Western Raqqa Source: ARA news When President spoke to US CENTCOM troops at McDill Air Base in Tampa, Florida on December 6, 2016, he gave […]
Islamic State recruiter’s wife LOSES police brutality claim and is hit with $100,000 in court costs – after she refused to remove her burqa in court or stand for ‘anyone but Allah’
From Daily Telegraph of Australia THE second “wife” of a convicted Islamic State terrorist and her family is facing a legal bill of up to $100,000 after they lost their […]
“The Quran Teaches That All Human Beings Are Equal”: Beliefs (Part I)
by Hugh Fitzgerald In the latest example of Muslim propaganda, the Dallas chapter of the Islamic Circle of North America has put up twelve billboards. Though there is a generic […]