The Iconoclast
Derby terror arrests: What we know so far
As five out of six of the group arrested this morning are from Derbyshire my first port of call is the local newspaper the London Evening Standard says very little […]
Gender Benders
by Theodore Dalrymple My computer tries to improve my style by automatically underlining in blue what it believes to be clichés or redundant phrases. If I type in order […]
Letter to Fidel, from an acquaintance of long standing
By Armando de la Torre Now that the curtain has come down on your long-running play, it’s time for some parting thoughts. You’ve already let me know, in countless different […]
More Chelm on the Charles River- Another Interfaith Gathering at the Muslim Brotherhood Controlled Islamic Society of Boston
Islamic Society of Boston Cultural Center Roxbury, Massachusetts Back in August 2009, we published an article in the New English Review, “Chelm on the Charles River.” It was about the […]
Jihadists of Islamic State celebrate bombing of Cairo’s cathedral chapel
From the Reuters There was no immediate claim of responsibility for the bombing, but it was celebrated on social media by supporters of the Islamic State in Iraq and the […]
The Kurds and President Trump
by Michael Curtis What is the largest ethnic group that wants but does not have a nation state of its own? No, it’s not the “Palestinian people,” but the Kurds […]
Prof. Peterson must not face this assault on reason and his rights alone
by Conrad Black Professor Jordan Peterson’s video response to National Post.
Letter to the Jewish Chronicle
by Brian of London The Jewish Chronicle published my letter (a little edited but that’s normal). Here’s the full text I sent. Note this detail: I used the phrase “west […]
Explosion at Cairo’s Coptic cathedral kills 25, wounds dozens
From Sunday Mirror Daily News Egypt A bomb explosion inside the main Coptic Christian cathedral in Egypt’s capital, Cairo, has killed 25 people and wounded dozens. Reports say a bomb was […]
Terror suspect with loaded Kalashnikov arrested in Rotterdam
From Dutch News The man, detained on suspicion of planning an attack, had an AK-47 … Kalashnikov with two full magazines and a large image of an Islamic State flag, prosecutors […]
December 7th Draws Interesting Comparison With Today’s College Generation
by Gary Fouse Yesterday, four of the five living survivors of the Pearl Harbor attack participated in the 75th anniversary of the “Day of Infamy”. Now in their 90s, they […]
Watch What Iran Does, But Also Listen To What They Say
by Kenneth R. Timmerman President-Elect Trump will be tested by the Islamic state of Iran soon after taking office on January 20. It could come the very day of his […]
Jimmy Carter, Lord Caradon, the Palestine Mandate, and Resolution 242 (Part II)
by Hugh Fitzgerald Jimmy Carter treats a sentence from the non-binding preamble to Resolution 242 as if it were a binding part of the Resolution itself. He thinks that the […]
In Europe, the Moderate Right is Winning
It’s a phenomenon similar to what’s happening in the U.S. by Conrad Black As Donald Trump steadily gains in public approval — by his intelligent appointments of well-qualified women and […]
Sudan: The Rise of an Islamic Caliphate-Podcast and Interview
Rebels of the Sudan Liberation Movement Army led by Abdul Wahid, North Darfur, February 2015 Source: Adriane Ohanesian, New Yorker Israel News Talk Radio – Beyond the Matrix […]
Australia: Islamic leaders want parents to turn off Peppa Pig because it’s corrupting kids
From Hon