The Iconoclast
China and Donald Trump
by Michael Curtis Rarely in history has a ten minute phone call, like that on Friday December 2, 2016, been credited with raising fears of new tensions in international politics. […]
Jordan Peterson exposes "the great liberal death wish"
by Conrad Black I have just endured the sobering experience of watching the always very intelligent and professional Steve Paikin chair a panel about the trans-gender controversy that centres on […]
Jimmy Carter, Lord Caradon, the Palestine Mandate, and U.N. Resolution 242 (Part I)
by Hugh Fitzgerald The glad news is that Jimmy Carter is again bringing peace to the Middle East, by saving Israel from itself, as he has tried so many times […]
Chelmsford Iranian sex gang trial: Jury out to deliberate verdicts
From the seven-week trial of five men accused of being part of a Chelmsford-based sex gang draws to a close. Members of the jury heard closing speeches from prosecutor Christopher […]
Auntie Does Dawa: Yet More Islamopuffery from Australia’s ABC As We Hear About Naive Infidels Listening to Smiling Muslims Telling Them Lies for Islam
A wise commenter over at Robert Spencer’s Jihadwatch once remarked that Islam comprised thuggery plus image management. This year has seen – notably in Israel with the stabbing jihad ongoing, […]
Interlude for the Day of Saint Nicholas, Patron Saint of Children
The sixth of December is the feast-day of Saint Nicholas of Myra, who among other things is the patron Saint of children. From Benjamin Britten’s exquisite cantata “Saint Nicholas”, let […]
Outrage: Obama White House tells survivors and WWII vets to get over “feeling embittered” over Pearl Harbor
USS Arizona burning Pearl Harbor, December 7, 1941 Yesterday, Josh Earnest, outgoing Obama White House spokesperson, had the effrontery at a press conference to accuse the few survivors and their […]
‘Pakémon’ Stickers Found Plastered Across London Urge Deporting of Sadiq Khan
I held off sharing these in the hope I could spot some myself while up London yesterday, but I think the authorities have cleared them all down. The London papers […]
Guatemala Holds the Key to Defeating Illegal Immigration
by Steve Hecht Guatemala may fly under the radar of US media, but how Donald Trump handles this Central American nation will be crucial to restoring the rule of law […]
“A President Should Not Say That”
by Hugh Fitzgerald Now that Francois Hollande has taken himself out of the running for President of France, knowing that he was certain to lose, it is time to consider […]
Is Europe Lost?
by Gary Fouse It is with deep sadness I witness what is taking place in Europe today. I have a connection to the Continent since I spent my army time […]
Casey report criticised for focus on UK Muslim communities
The Muslims criticised in Guardian the Middle East Eye and the
Sylvia Kedourie Has Died
Most of our readers will be familiar with her illustrious husband, Elie Kedourie, but did you know his wife was also a Middle East scholar?
The continuing battle for Brexit
by Esmerelda Weatherwax Today is the first day of the appeal hearing at the Supreme Court to challenge the decision of the High Court in favour of the cabal of […]
The Artifact
Commies on Castro by James Como A happy day today, December 4th, 2016: Fidel Castro is being burned, his ashes stashed. Amidst a culture that, here and there, worries over micro-aggressions, […]
The Center Is Not Holding
by Michael Curtis It is a hyperbolic overstatement to say that the center cannot hold and mere anarchy is loosed upon the world, but it is fair to recognize that […]