The Iconoclast
Enclaves of Islam see UK as 75% Muslim
From Mail on Sunday Some Muslims lead such separate lives that they believe Britain is an Islamic country where the majority of people share their faith, according to a report […]
Trump: Ready to Lead in First Hundred Days
by Conrad Black The post-electoral media buzz over the president-elect is surrealistic, in that it seems to reflect the almost universal inability of the U.S. national media to grasp the […]
Taliban suspect arrested in southwest Germany
Muslims win as Kidero bans beer festival in CBD at the last minute
This headline has itself been criticised on the Nairobi Nairobi News and another Kenyan newspaper the Star, the committee said facilitating the promotion of alcohol right at their doorstep of […]
Tommy Robinson visited Israel: A response to the Jewish Chronicle’s attack
by Brian of London I invited Tommy Robinson to Israel for two reasons. I wanted to show him the real boundaries of Zionism today and give him a glimpse […]
Save Us from Social Justice – TFF Episode 54
Janice Fiamengo explains how Canada’s Social Justice Tribunals work on the principle that you can force people to respect others by punishing them over even trivial misunderstandings or honest expressions […]
A Note on ‘Mainstream’
and the power of definition by James Como Recently Senator Schumer made a threat: unless President Trump’s Supreme Court nominee was in the Mainstream, the Democrats would oppose him; this […]
What kind of culture is this?
by Gary Fouse This past week or so I have watched the news reports about the fires raging in Israel with sadness and outrage. These are not accidental fires rather […]
Four in ten British Muslims want some aspect of Sharia Law enforced in UK
From the
Vicious Palestinian Politics
by Michael Curtis The mills of democratic politics in Palestinian organizations grind slowly, if they ever grind at all. This was borne out once again at the 7th General Congress […]
George Soros, Karl Popper, and Podsnap
by Hugh Fitzgerald George Soros has just pledged $15 million to fight “hate crimes.” Who could object to this? Well, I could, and you could, if by “hate crimes” Soros […]
Court won’t listen to Muslim woman’s evidence unless she removes veil
From Daily Telegraph (of Australia) A judge has refused to hear evidence from a Muslim woman, the wife of a Islamic extremist, because she refused to remove her veil in […]
‘Isis fanatics planned to feed poisoned ice-cream to kindergarten kids before bombing nursery’
Alan Hall writes in the
Chelmsford-based Iranian sex gang accused of ‘toeing the party line’ with their accounts
The prosecution is concluding their case in Essex Chronicle Five Iranian men accused of being part of a Chelmsford-based sex and drugs gang are “toeing the party line”, a court […]
The Hispid Hare and the Polar Bear
by David P. Gontar (December 2016) The Hispid Hare and the Polar Bear Went up in a hot balloon They had no fear of the Stratosphere As they floated to […]
The Stones of Jerusalem
by Thomas Ország-Land (December 2016) Hungarian Jews about to be gassed at Auschwitz 1. THE SURVIVOR –In memoriam György Timár Oblivious to […]