The Iconoclast
Vilifying Walid Phares
Sarah Stern writes in Continue reading here.
Springtime for Morsi?
Michael Totten’s review of Arab Fall By Eric Trager in Commentary: Almost everyone got the Arab Spring wrong. At a casual glance, the Middle East and North Africa appeared to be […]
Can Islam be Reformed?
by Gary Fouse Having learned much about Islam since 9-11, I have come to distrust the term, “moderate Muslim,” especially here in the US. Many of the people who are […]
Saudi Court Sentences Poet to Death for Renouncing Islam
Welcom to Hotel Islam, you can check out anytime you like, but you can never leave. From
Australia: Federal Immigration Minister Peter Dutton Publicly States That Letting in Lots of Lebanese Muslims in the 1970s Was a Mistake; Cue Outrage From the Usual Suspects
As reported by the ABC’s Stephanie Anderson just yesterday (21 November). “Peter Dutton Suggests Fraser Government Made Mistake by Resettling Lebanese Refugees”. Dear ABC: he did not say “Lebanese […]
Luton solicitor denies releasing Tommy Robinson’s full address, but resigns
An update on
Repeated Anti-Semitism, Misogyny by NZ Muslim Leader
From Scoop NZ Race Relations commissioner Dame Susan Devoy has condemned an Auckland Imam’s anti-Semitic hate speech. A video has surfaced online showing Dr Mohammad Anwar Sahib speaking at the At-Taqwa mosque […]
Trump’s Likely Pentagon Pick Marine Gen. Jim Mattis maybe “the real Deal”, but has Israel Problems
Who is Walid Phares?
When I researched and wrote on the political complexities and the chaos of violence that afflicted Lebanon with the outbreak of war in 1975, I became aware of the biased misrepresentation of […]
A Few More Details about that Muslim Attack on Infidels in A Bank in Springvale, Victoria, Australia Last Friday
To begin with, an account of the quick thinking of one of the citizen first responders, a Kiwi living in Melbourne, and a worthy representative of the NZ part of […]
Springvale, Melbourne, Australia: Noor Islam, Muslim "Refugee" Sets Fire to Bank on Friday, Injures Dozens
And already we are hearing hints that he was “mentally ill”, or upset about the banks being mean to him, or something, and are being reminded in various articles about […]
I Never Heard About Darfur, Yazidis or Iranian Women on Broadway
by Walid Phares The cast of the Broadway show Hamilton attacked Vice President elect Governor Mike Pence while he was in the audience hinting that the Donald J. Trump administration would […]
Crayons and Pasta
by Lorna Salzman Robert Fantina, writing today in counterpunch says – seriously – that the tunnels built by Hamas into Israel were for bringing “crayons and pasta”…..but just from whence […]
The West Is Finally Fighting Back against Militant Islam
The Revd Peter Mullen writing inArchbishop of Canterbury yesterday. General Michael Flynn has been offered the post of national security adviser in Donald Trump’s administration. Flynn is a senior intelligence […]
El Sisi: Trump has shown deep and great understanding of what is taking place in the region
Chelmsford-based Iranian sex gang accused admits previously lying under oath
We are not getting daily coverage of this trial, but the