The Iconoclast
Jordan: Myths Vs. Shocking Facts
Mudar Zahran writes in the
The American Mideast Coalition for Trump Responds to the American Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee Lies
In an email sent to its supporters the American Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee demanded the removal of Stephen Bannon and Dr. Walid Phares as chief advisers for President-elect Trump. They demanded […]
Analyst Says Links Between US Muslim Groups And Muslim Brotherhood Are “Ancient History”- The Evidence On CAIR Says He Is Wrong
From the
People’s Cube Artist Faces 5 Years in Prison for Hanging Up Anti-Terror Posters at GMU
I would imagine this charge will be quickly dropped, but the fact that the arrest happened at all is disturbing.
CAIR and NIAC: Two Peas in a Pod
by Kenneth R. Timmerman What could the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) and the National Iranian American Council (NIAC) possibly have in common? CAIR founders had close ties to […]
They Do Protest Too Much, Methinks
by Michael Curtis The ongoing protests, now in their eighth day, against the election of Donald Trump as President of US can be seen in benign fashion as democracy in […]
ISIS victim Alan Henning went to Syria on a convoy ‘linked to extremists’
From Daily Mail
Trump warns that by attacking Assad, US will ‘end up fighting Russia’
We should be happy with a weakened Assad. If only Iran could be similarly weakened. told the Wall Street Journal in his first interview since the election. From the start of […]
Police raid 200 addresses linked to Islamist group
From the German edition of
Talking of Toilets
by James Como Last week at a dinner party in Manhattan I was, as usual, a right-of-center minority of one among a gaggle of progressives. Our hostess, a liberal lawyer of […]
Trump Elected, WWIII Averted
Vladimir Putin have vowed to tackle ISIS together after holding breakthrough talks on the telephone. Less than a week after the billionaire’s election, the Kremlin said Putin called Boston Globe: […]
President-elect Donald Trump is not wavering in his support for Israel
by Alexander Murinson Dr Walid Phares, who was a President-elect Donald Trump’s adviser in Foreign Policy and on the Middle East during the campaign, gave an interview to BBC Radio on […]
Meet Steve Bannon
A good in-depth profile at
Trump to Designate Muslim Brotherhood as Terror Org.
Youm7, Phares said the legislation, which was already approved by the House Judiciary Committee earlier this year and referred to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee was held up due to […]
US Bagram airbase bomber was ‘an employee’ and ex-Taliban
Fully vetted, no doubt.
Why the Democratic Rust Belt in Northeastern Pennsylvania voted for Trump in 2016
Shuttered Brewery next to Federal Building, Wilkes Barre, Pennsylvania Source: Jeff Lautenberger, Wall Street Journal The Weekend edition of The Wall Street Journal (WSJ), November 12-13, 2016 presented the […]